The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Trudy Brookes

The #Wellness Universe #Quote of the Day by Trudy Brookes #WUVIP #hurt #lessons

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Trudy Brookes


Enjoy The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Trudy and find more inspiration on her page. Here is her expanded thought…


As we go through life, we come across people who may hurt us in some way.  It may be intentional or it may be un-intentional.  As we grow spiritually, we learn that these people are often mirrors for us and mirrors for our own behaviour, and herein lies The Law of Reflection.  I don\’t believe in holding grudges against people so I forgive them, and when I have forgiven them, I thank them for the lessons they taught me.  I do this in my own head, I don\’t actually approach the person and say, \’I\’ve forgiven you, but thank you as you have taught me some valuable lessons on my spiritual path\’.  However, one day I might actually do that!  I wonder what their reaction would be?
This post is about forgetting who has hurt you, it doesn\’t serve you to carry around resentments and to be unforgiving.  If you don\’t forgive someone, then you carry the pain and hurt around with you.  If you forgive them, you free yourself!  It can be hard to do, but it really is in your best interest and your highest and greatest good.



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