Top 10 Benefits of Hosting Wellness Retreats

Our in-house, WU retreat expert Tamara Golden – the owner of Journeywork Retreats, a full-service destination retreat planning company – reveals the top ten benefits of hosting wellness retreats in the article below!

Some of you are well-versed with the notion of retreats. For many of you, however, the idea of hosting your own retreat is a new concept. So, shared below are my top 10 reasons you should consider hosting retreats if you’re serious about growing your business, and you\’re equally serious about promoting healing for your clients.

Here Are 10 Benefits of Hosting Wellness Retreats:

  1. Retreats allow you to differentiate your brand.

When you begin to host retreats, you immediately separate yourself from the others in your industry who don’t. This makes you unique and speaks to your vision, while the retreat itself becomes an important expression of you, your personality, and your specific brand.

  1. They raise your visibility and credibility.

When you start hosting retreats, you’re seen as playing a bigger game. Prospective and current clients see this, and so too does your circle of influence; peers within your industry, those within your networking groups or masterminds, and even those who follow you on social media.

  1. Hosting retreats helps you attract new clients and retain current clients.

A logical outcome of you upping your game is that prospective clients are more likely to be drawn to you over the competition and will more readily pay you according to the level of professionalism you project. Not only, but by offering retreats, you’re offering current clients attractive opportunity to engage with you and your healing modality in a brand new way.

  1. They can help you improve your programs and marketing.

Hosting retreats provides you with an amazing opportunity to gather invaluable market intel. Through the candid conversations you have with your clients and the deep work you do with them during your retreat, you won’t have to guess at their psychographics or pain points…you’ll know them intimately. This helps you tailor programs to address your clients’ needs and gives you the language to market them effectively.

  1. They can help you up-level your business.

When you start to embed retreats into your business growth strategy, you’ll suddenly find yourself automatically thinking in terms of higher-ticket packages and services. This is an added bonus for those of you feeling ready to attract higher paying clients or introduce VIP programs.

  1. Retreats allow you to explore deeper, more lasting work with your clients.

Creating a sacred retreat space for your clients and removing them from their daily distractions naturally encourages them to open to a deeper heart and mind space. Being with you in person helps to engender a greater level of connection and trust. This combination often leads to exponentially faster and more lasting breakthroughs, healing and transformation than what you can deliver remotely.

  1. Hosting retreats turns clients into lifelong, raving fans.

Given the deeper connection and healing described above, coupled with the overall value your clients experience through the destination, venue and elements you’ve chosen, the end result will transform your retreat participants into raving fans. And we all know these are the best source of repeat and referral business on earth!

  1. They will increase your revenue stream.

Short term you can build profit into the retreat itself, including before, during and after (look for my follow-up article “Make Money Hosting Wellness Retreats” next week). Long-term, for many of the reasons cited above, retreats will bring more revenue into your business in the way of new, repeat and referral clients.

  1. They will encourage you to step into a larger vision.

Hosting retreats will give you a platform on which to play a bigger game and, in so doing, step into a larger vision of growth for your business. Increasing your credibility, broadening your programs, deepening your impact, and upping your profits will all lead to the natural evolution of your business. It will also stretch and grow you personally and professionally. Push yourself to dream big. The time is now.

  1. Hosting retreats will allow you to travel for free!

Last, but not least, one of the joys of hosting retreats is the fringe benefit of choosing beautiful locations and having your way completely paid. Be sure to tack on a few days before and after and enjoy!

Whether you’re just starting out in your wellness business, or you’re looking to up-level, Journeywork Retreats supports heart-centered entrepreneurs like you in making your dream of hosting retreats come true. From our Get Retreat Ready tutorial to our Ultimate Retreat Roadmap course, through to the planning and implementation of your dream retreat, we’re there to help ensure your retreats are a logistical, financial and experiential success. Interested? Take our Retreat Ready Assessment!

– Tamara