It\’s time to shake things up a bit around here! As a self-love coach, it\’s my job to help take you from where you are currently, to where you want to be. And I\’m assuming since you\’re reading this, one of those things that you might be needing more of is love – self-love.
So, today, I’m going to cover the 3 toxic myths about self-love that all beginners MUST break away from in order to feel more joy and love in life.
Getting your mindset right is the #1 thing you have to conquer if you want to create a deeper and more loving relationship with yourself. As the popular saying goes, “You are your worst enemy and best asset.”
From serving many clients from all walks of life over the last the decade, I can tell you that the best and most successful clients are those with the right mindset and attitude, who have the right beliefs about self-love.
It\’s myth-busters time, my friend! Time to re-align your perspectives and make things right.
Here Are 3 Toxic Myths You May Believe About Self-Love:
Myth #1: “I can be happy without self-love”
This is a myth because people have experienced moments of happiness but it\’s not long-lasting.
You probably find yourself wondering why after coming off of that high, you are then searching for that next \’hit\’ of happiness.
The truth is that if you don\’t have self-love as the foundation in your life, happiness will always elude you. When you\’ve learned to truly love yourself, you don\’t have to wait for circumstances to align in your life to feel happy.
Myth #2: “You need to be successful/beautiful/rich in order to love yourself”
This is SO not true.
This is not only a myth, it\’s just an outright lie. I know plenty of people who have learned to love themselves without money, success or even hair! (Oh, that\’s just me)
Most have this misconception because we\’ve been shown by the media and other people who have misinformed us what a \’perfect\’ life looks like and if we don\’t have that life, then it\’s hard to love it and ourselves.
The truth is, you will achieve more of what you want when you start with loving yourself. The dream job, the money, success, etc., will be more easily accessible when you start from self-love rather than the other way around.
I have personally had clients who didn\’t believe they were worthy of loving because of what others have told them and now they not only know their person worthy; they have created the life they always wanted!
Myth #3: Self-love is selfish
I can totally understand why someone would believe in this as we\’ve been taught that we need to put others first. I used to think that myself, but I have seen time and again that self-love is actually the most unselfish thing we could ever do.
This is a myth because if you don\’t feel internally fulfilled, you will always feel resentful, taken advantage of and not seen.
The truth is, we all need to put ourselves first. We must fill our own cup. We must show up for ourselves and do what feels good because ultimately that will have you show up more loving and happier in the world. Right now, the world needs YOU. It needs you feeling your best, knowing your worth and treating yourself with loving kindness and respect.
Why is believing in these 3 myths problematic?
Because believing in these 3 myths will stop you from taking the right action. Your confidence gets affected, you don\’t seek guidance, and subsequently, you don\’t transform your life and your relationships.
As someone who teaches and coaches about self-love for a living, I have seen breakthrough after breakthrough, and I know that it is absolutely possible to change your beliefs and your life and the only thing that people just don\’t have is the right guidance to succeed when it comes to learning to love yourself.
Many people search endlessly to find love through others, and worth through achievement and when that doesn\’t work, they give up. I don’t want you to give up because I know you can do this!
How else would there be millions of people who have found their worth, their path and their happiness if it was impossible? Were they all born with special powers? No… they did it by committing to it and finding someone to help them along the way!
So do not doubt yourself. You can do this!
– Shari
I\’m here for you if you want to change your relationship with yourself and boldly go for what you want in in life. Set up your complimentary self-discovery call with me now.
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I am a motivational speaker, author, life inspirer, and vlogger. I am the Co-Founder of The Wellness Universe and am presently working on several other life-changing projects with our company, Soul Ventures, that will bring forth positive change on this planet. Besides talking, I am equally passionate about travel. My idea of the perfect life is spent on planes, trains, and automobiles seeing the world. I have pep talks with myself daily. One of my biggest beliefs is that we all have a gift that is uniquely ours and it has been given to us so we can share it. It is rare that you will find me without a smile and it is rare that I’m not trying to make you smile. I presently live in Los Angeles with my boyfriend and our cat, Hershey. I would say I have a pretty simple but extraordinary life!