31 Angel Affirmations for January 2020

Welcome to Angel Affirmations for January 2020 with WU World Changer Janette Stuart, as she shares another 31 days’ worth of affirmations to help you shift towards a happy, healthy and positive well-being.

Welcome to the month of January; a month of finalizing the holidays and clearing away, putting back in order and simplifying.  This month is the start of the new year and a new decade.  This is a great month to dream, to visualize what it is you desire to manifest in 2020.

This month, the angels are reminding us it’s always a perfect time for more self-care.  Affirmations are wonderful self-care tools that shift your consciousness and raise your vibration.  Affirmations are truly transformational. 

What Is an Affirmation?

They are short, powerful statements used to consciously affect your thoughts in a positive way. We have an estimated 50,000 thoughts a day and most of them are not pretty. Often we are very critical of ourselves and we would never dream of talking to others the way we “speak” to ourselves in our inner dialogue. I invite you to join me each day during the month to recite these Angel Affirmations to bring more goodness and grace into your life.  

What Makes These Affirmations So Special?

These powerful statements are channeled-messages from the Angels just for you, Dear One. They offer lovely Angelic Guidance to raise your vibration and fill your heart with joy. 

Can you invest one minute a day on yourself to consciously improve your thoughts and your life this month? Perhaps a better question is, can you afford not to? You will be astounded at the difference that comes into your life from reciting these Angel Affirmations. 

An affirmation only needs to feel about 50% true for it to resonate within you, Dear One. By stating an affirmation, you are calling that intention to you using the powerful Law of Attraction. By speaking the affirmation out loud, it becomes even more powerful as you activate your Throat Chakra. 

Affirmations that begin with the words “I am,” are especially powerful.

Whatever follows “I am” statements, becomes your truth. Be vigilant with the statements you think and say about yourself. You want to select empowering statements that improve the energy vibration of your life. For example, if you say, â€śI am tired. I am sick. I am broke. I am not worthy. I am stuck,” you are calling more of that low energy toward you. 

You can shift those thoughts with more energizing and empowering statements such as, â€śI am getting the rest I need. I am taking time to replenish myself. I am good with money. I am excited about…”. These slight shifts have positive and transformative effects on the quality of your day and overall life.  

A friend of mine used the Angel Affirmations during the month of June to journal and to list her gratitude daily. I love that idea and may even employ her strategy myself. 

Your invitation is to embrace this exercise of reciting an affirmation each day during the month of January. 

Doing this will help to positively transform your thoughts and your life; for the better. If you are new to the practice of affirmations, welcome. If you are seasoned in this practice, may you be blessed as well, Dear One. 

Let’s profoundly change the trajectory of our thoughts with these affirmations and make the rest of this year transformational with a powerful shift of consciousness benefiting you and the world. There is magic in reciting affirmations out loud and I offer this for you to repeat: â€śI am a brilliant being. I am a brilliant being. I AM A BRILLIANT BEING.” 

Please join me in reciting, reflecting and pondering the list of 31 Angel Affirmations for January 2020 below. One affirmation for each day of the month of January:

  1. Today, I celebrate the gift of a new month, new year and decade with a heart full of gratitude.
  2. Today, I take some well-deserved time for self-care.
  3. I am ready to make time for more fun in my life.
  4. I remember to breathe deeply and delight in that simple practice which enlivens every cell in my body.
  5. Today, I rejoice and allow my heart to sing.
  6. I am capable, creative and conscientious. 
  7. Today, I choose to make it a great day.
  8. I enjoy nutritious foods that fully fuel my body.
  9. I stand firmly in my power knowing I am loved, protected and supported.
  10. I delight in learning something new.
  11. I make time for cozy connection and creativity.
  12. Today, I enjoy some rest and me-time to replenish myself so that I may continue to shine brightly.
  13. I am ready for the week ahead.
  14. I am good with my money.  There is plenty.  I am grateful.
  15. I look for miracles and beauty in my midst.
  16. I expect goodness and grace to flow to me now.
  17. I easily and successfully collaborate with others.  
  18. I am easily able to envision what it is I desire for 2020.
  19. My focus word of the year helps guide me and my choices.
  20. Today, I take time to dream.
  21. I remember I am never alone and that my divine team loves, protects and supports me always.
  22. I honor the gift of relationships in my life.
  23. I trust that the best is yet to come.
  24. I celebrate the big and little successes in my life.
  25. Today, I give myself grace.
  26. Today, I forgive myself and/or others and release a heavy burden which has been weighing me down.
  27. Today, I try something new.
  28. I treat my inner-child to something she is craving.
  29. I list 3 things for which I am grateful.
  30. I treat myself as a Beloved for indeed, I am.
  31. I celebrate the gift of this day, this month, this year and its amazing potential. 

If you are looking for more loving, inspiring and encouraging messages to bless your heart daily, check out my latest creation, Words of Wisdom (WOW) Guidance cards, which are 52 inspiring cards featuring an impactful word with thought-provoking questions and affirmations to uplift and delight you.  

See you back here this time next month for my Angel Affirmations for February 2020!

– Janette

A Dose of Inspiration via The Wellness Universe!


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