5 Steps to Cultivate A Deeper Place with Patience

Patience and fortitude conquer all things.”

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

Being patient and having patience can be an upstream swim in today’s do-more, be-more and get-more-done culture.

External accomplishments and achievements leave a footprint of “doing” which states to the world “here I am.” Impatience is esteemed as an achievement-based attribute; on the other hand, is Patience. While admired and esteemed, it finds its rank towards the bottom of desired character attributes.

As a collective, we tend to think of patience as an attribute for those that are already easy going; not type-A personalities.

When we’re focused on getting more done and keeping up with the status quo. we lose sight of the deeper life-rhythm given us at birth.

This is where our life lives just under the current of doing; achieving this comes from cultivating and fostering patience. What comes from externally-focused-doing breeds chaos in our psyches and shows up in health-related issues.

The Case for Being Patient

One study, (Journal of Psychological Science, 2014), on building a gratitude practice to increase patience and counter impatience, shows that being intentional with gratitude increases patience and overall feelings of emotional and mental well-being.

The same study discounts impatience as negative with emotional and mental health implications showing up as: high blood pressure, anxiety and sleep issues.

There is a way for all of us to enjoy abundance amid daily busy-ness.

The way is found not in more doing, but in being more present in our thoughts and taking notice of our responses with patience as we strive and grow.

Step away from constant doing in both life obligations and mental chatter and be more present.

Being takes root with pausing and cultivating a place of patience in the very beautiful fabric of our complexity and uniqueness.

Even the most impatient of us have an innate sense for cultivating patience!

Patience is a lifelong lifestyle-practice of doing less while “being” in the moment with feelings of gratitude. It is a pause asking us to be still and notice things like our thoughts and to look at the bigger picture amid what is happening in that moment; especially those pesky negative perceptions of what is or isn’t.

Patience is not just a gift for the “chosen” few who already appear calm and at ease. It is also for the rest of us who sometimes practice incredible patience but who also, at times, impatiently implode at every perceived agitation.

Patience is a lifestyle-skill readily available for all of us to be and become. Like anything in life, this needs our attention and intention to develop into an applied lifestyle skill!

Here Are 5 Steps to Cultivate A Deeper Place with Patience:

  1. Notice

Sit quietly with your thoughts and feelings non-judgmentally and with curiosity and see your stance to life situations and your place in these.

  1. Pause

Learning how to become more patient comes with the “art” of pausing be-fore reacting in the midst of a trigger. Permitting yourself to pause can completely alleviate an impatient implosion before things are said or done in the heat of a single moment.

  1. Re-frame

Re-work your old attitudes and habits to include less doing and more intentional-being in the face of feeling rushed, overwhelmed, stuck, or struck down. Zoom out for a wider perspective on what is, as a way to see more clearly and counter the red-hot glow of impatience.

  1. Breathe

As a means to reset, renew and move into peace. Taking a moment to in-hale and exhale can alleviate a stressful moment in your emotional center while offering a calmer way for you to be with yourself and your emotions.

  1. Practice Gratitude

Remind yourself of what you are grateful for each day. If you are thankful for what you have in the moment, you’ll be more content with where you are and have a greater ability to weather the flash of impatience.

May you find and own a greater depth of who you are meant to be with patience and ease.

Do you have any tips that have helped you cultivate a deeper place of patience that did not get mentioned above? If so, please share them with us in the comments section below!

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