A Conversation With: Terri Lynn Murphy

A Conversation With: Terri Lynn Murphy by The Wellness Universe #TheWellnessUniverse #WUVIP #Terri

Welcome to this installment of The Wellness Universe’s \’A Conversation With …\’ interview series! Each week, we will feature interviews from some of our amazing WU World Changers so you can learn about who they are as a person, their profession, mission, and their why!\’

A Conversation with Terri Lynn, Author and Happiness Coach.

The Wellness Universe directory is a resource and community filled with Change-Makers, we call WU World-Changers (Wellness Universe World-Changers).  Today we want to introduce you to Terri Lynn, Author.

Terri\’s mission is to make the world a better place by helping as many people as possible raise their happiness level and live their best life. When we are able to raise the happiness vibration our brains actually function better, and we are able to perform better at all we do.

  1. Hello Terri, will you please tell us about yourself?

Currently, I am working as a Corporate Trainer and Development Manager for a large Automotive Group in the Philadelphia area, MMCo Auto. My goal as a Happiness Coach is to help as many people as possible learn the lesson that I have experienced in life which is when you put your own happiness first everything in your life gets better

  1. Terri, what is it that inspires you?

I get really inspired when I am able to help someone see a situation differently. I love when something I say sparks a light within another. I find coaching people who are eager to change so very rewarding. The minute I see their spark I feel delighted!

  1. Will you please tell us what you call yourself and explain what it is that you do?

I call myself a catalyst for happiness. I work with people who want coaching to raise their level of happiness. There are many people who really struggle to be as happy as they can be, and I work with them so they can learn to train their brain and keep a positive focus.

  1. How exactly does that help someone?

Training your brain and keeping a positive focus changes the magnetic field, or vibration, which attracts more things to be happy about. When we learn to keep ourselves in a positive state every outcome in our lives turns out in the best possible way.

  1. Why are you so passionate about happiness?

That is an easy one for me to answer. I am so passionate about happiness because I have put the work in and have experienced firsthand the effect that being happy has on one’s life.

  1. Did a specific life experience prompt you to follow this path?

Yes. I lived through about ten years with circumstances that caused deep emotional pain and I needed to train my brain to live in the moment and focus on something positive or be sucked deep into the pit of sadness.

  1. How long have you been doing this?

I have been working on this for over thirty years.

  1. Will you share a story as to how you made a difference in someone’s life?

Once I worked with a young man who was bitter that his father he barely knew who shared the same name ruined his credit by using his social security number. You could see the anger in him. For months I would talk to him and made him realize that his anger was not hurting his father and was stealing his present life. One day he finally let go of the anger and everyone that worked with us could physically see a change in him. He made sure all knew that I had helped him see the light.

  1. What is next on the horizon for you?

More books for sure and coaching as many people as possible. Changing the world one smile at a time.

  1. Thank you so much for sharing today! Do you have any final thoughts?

Thank you for having me. I’d like to leave everyone with good wishes for a happy life. Remember: When you feel good, good things happen! Live happy!

– The Wellness Universe


If you would like to connect with Terri please visit: https://www.thewellnessuniverse.com/world-changers/terrilynnmurphy/

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