The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Anna Pereira

The #Wellness Universe #Quote of the Day by Anna Pereira #WUVIP #release #change

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Anna Pereira


Enjoy The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Anna and find more inspiration on her page. Here is her expanded thought…


Is it the tree releasing the leaf or the leaf releasing the tree?
In life, we hold onto things, people and memories that we don’t need anymore. They no longer serve us. And if they don’t serve us, in essence, we cannot serve them with our highest light.
The dead leaf is like that. Once the tree put its energy into growing that leaf so that leaf can return the nutrients of the sun and rain to help the tree grow. Now the leaf is dead and has served well, but yet clings.
The tree bears unnecessary weight when it rains, with dead leaves hanging all over it and not absorbing the rain down into the tree… the life source. In the winter, if those leaves stay, the dead leaves hold the ice, again causing a danger to the tree falling over under the added weight.
Although we know this is possible, it’s not usual. And so it is with life. Just wait for that strong gust of wind and that leaf will release itself from the tree. Just wait for the right timing and people will fall away, releasing you from a negative relationship. You have given every bit of your love … Once you stop the nourishment, it’s only a matter of time. There is no need to pluck the dead leaves…
Sometimes, you have to wait for those people to exit your life. You don’t have to push. If the time is right, they will fall away like the dead leaves.

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