The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Jody Doty

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Jody Doty #WUVIP #QuoteOfTheDay #QOTD #TheWellnessUniverse

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Jody Doty


Enjoy The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Jody and find more inspiration on her page. Here is her expanded thought…


I am leaving the crossroads of my life and choosing to enter a path that resonates with my heart, my higher purpose and my passion. During times of great change, I like to view my life as a series of beautiful paintings with cycles, transitions, new beginnings, and endings.  As I prepare to launch, I often visualize releasing love onto the current painting of my life, along with the pictures, memories, and roles I have had up until now.  I admire their beauty, let myself know their meaning and finish up the final brushstrokes with passion and gratitude for the experiences and lessons learned.  My painting till now is as complete as it can be.  I can no longer add to it or take away from it.  The time has come to finish the painting and hang it on the collective wall in the gallery that is my life.

I\’m ready for a blank canvas, to gather different colors, textures, ideas, goals, people and places and paint my landscape of this moment.  I am the artist of my now.  So, as I have done in the past, I look back at the graduation and marriage certificates, the old smiling photographs, recall the emotions, admire the cross stitch I did before the kids were born, the ordination certificate and my latest job description.  I bless and honor each painting as a beautiful reminder of the past.

I am free to create the new masterpiece of my life.  Let the painting begin.



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