How to Open Your Intuition

What Intuition is Not

Intuition is easier to explain by describing what it is not. When we use intuition, we do not use the mind to figure things out. It does not use the principles of logic. Intuition is not and does not come from the ego personality self and does not operate in form and structure as we understand in the world.

When we use intuition, we do not work from intellect; it does not come in the form of lists and what we must do today or tomorrow or from having to get through something.

Intuition is not bound by our physical body.

What is Intuition?

We all have intuition; the difference is some of us choose to follow it and refine and trust it. Everybody has hunches; for instance, we have all had the experience of thinking of someone and then bumping into them, or the phone rings and it is them.

Our intuition is beyond time and space; it operates knowing that the past, present, and future are simultaneous. It takes the desires and directives of our conscious mind and goes out into the future to find ways and means for us to have them and manifest them.

Sometimes intuition feels like a playful, naughty child within you that tries to lure you away from your worldly hard work to a world of play and joy.

Our modern minds are programmed to focus on logic and find step-by-step solutions. When we use our intuitive mind, we naturally enter the playful world and find all the answers we need are there waiting for us. All the answers we spent days, months, or even years working on with the logical mind were there all along; we simply had to tune into our intuition to find them.

Intuition is Genius

The great geniuses of our world, such as Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, and Leonardo Da Vinci, all worked at very high, refined levels of intuition. When we work at these levels, many ideas can be synthesised in a moment. The ideas flow in from outside of time and space, and the boundaries of what is known and unknown start to merge.

Intuition helps us to find answers that are not known to us or the minds of anyone on earth. When we use our intuition, we succeed in our field and find doors open that lead us to amazing achievements.

The Sixth Chakra

Intuition is associated with the use of our sixth chakra, or third eye. Often associated with the colour indigo or red violet. When our sixth chakra begins to open, we are sometimes drawn to this colour. The challenge of the opening of our third eye is to remember it is not an eye in the physical sense. It is a receiver and sender of refined frequency energies. We see the inner world, and this is not always visual as we expect an eye to see; it is a knowing and recognising truth. We must spend time and patience to develop the skill to listen and hear our intuition, then follow it up with action.

Following Intuition Opens Doorways

The logical mind will look for answers by processing information, while intuition can find those answers in seconds.

When the answers that come from intuition do not seem logical, we need to bridge the gap between the two. We bridge the gap between intellect and intuition by using the heart energy of faith and trust.

When we engage our heart energy, the answers begin to flow more easily.

When the answers do not seem logical, but we trust and act upon them, we find that they work.

Developing Intuition

Pause and take a breath:

  • Who would I like to be?
  • What would I like to do?
  • What is my vision of a more fulfilling life?
  • I listen to my inner whispers.
  • I listen to the ideas.
  • I recognise my inner vision.
  • I allow my vision to flow.
  • I listen to my inner guidance.
  • I follow my inner guidance.

Intuition and The Physical World

The energy of the physical world is slower and denser than the energy of the world of intuition. We can use our mind to conceive an idea, imagine its fruition, and live it very quickly. Down in the physical world is slower and more time-consuming as the physical reality involves form and time.

For our ideas and intuition and ideas to manifest in our physical world, we must practice patience, trust, determination, confidence, focus, and concentration. We pay attention and match the intuitive flow with actions and words and with attitudes and behaviour.

Acting on Intuition Gives True Power

If you are someone who exists mainly on the intellectual level, you tend to plan a lot; you use your left brain. The left brain is the part of us that remembers and deals with reason and logic. It thinks in a time and sequential manner. The right brain works with feelings and intuition and deals with imagination and creativity—the world beyond words and algorithms.

There are obvious pitfalls to living too extremely on either side, as there is a difference between physical reality and mental reality:

If you live in a more physical and intellectual state, you may wonder why nothing ever seems complete and you do not feel joyful and free. Life can seem like an unending treadmill of plans and working towards goals.

If you live in the world of intuition, sometimes you can be dazzled by future ideas and the speed of energy flow. In contrast, the present, physical world may seem slow, mundane, and boring. Living mainly in the intuitive world can sometimes lead to living in a fantasy world of daydreams.

We have all met people who talk about their vision and big plans but never create anything in the world.

To make the visions of your intuition real, you have to capture its images and feelings. Slow them down, hold them in your mind, and be patient and determined to carry them out in action.

Which reality do you spend most of your time in? Logical or intuitive?

Pause and take a breath:

  • I create a balance between logic and intuition.
  • What is my to-do list?
  • What are my past positive achievements?
  • I love all my past positive achievements.
  • I honour my past self.
  • I send love to my past self.
  • I listen to the voice of my intuition.
  • I move into the future with intuition and logic.
  • I send love to my future achievements.
  • I hold the vision of my future with love and belief.

It is valuable to have a plan on the mental level, as it gives you the belief that you can achieve your goals. The most important thing is to hold a steady vision of your goals. If you hang onto your plan too rigidly, you can block the creative flow and miracle of intuition.

Following your intuition makes creating what you want easier and faster. Playfulness can bring you all the goals and vision of your intellectual mind simply by relaxing more and allowing things to happen with faith and trust. This way we can achieve more than we would have by methodically working through a list using logic alone.

Intuition Exercise

Think of three times when you followed your intuition by acting on a hunch or feeling.

Think of three things your mind has been whispering —or possibly even shouting—to you to do, no matter how large or small.

Think of one step you could take towards each of the three things to help bring them into your life.

Mark three dates on your calendar when you will make the first steps towards your goals.

Use your intellect to set goals, make plans, and aim higher. Follow your intuition to open yourself to new ways to live. If you trust and act upon your feelings from moment to moment, you will flow with your intuition and the universe.

Open yourself to the Tao, then trust your natural responses, and everything will fall into place.

Lao Tzu. – Tao Te Ching

Connect with Carole on The Wellness Universe and follow her on Facebook and Instagram.

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