Inspiration for December 28th by Amy Camie

Inspiration for December 28th by Amy Camie #TheWellnessUniverse #WUVIP #FeaturedInspiration

Ask yourself, what would you be doing if you lived in the house of peace with the featured Inspiration for December 28th by Amy Camie. 

“What would you be doing if you lived in the House of Peace?” was a question presented to me in a dream by a very wise elder. It came during a time when I was questioning how to move forward with my music.

As I allowed myself to drop into the energy and feeling of this question, a profound depth of clarity emerged.

Here\’s a sampling of some of the questions that started flowing from what felt like my soul:

“Do I love all the ways in which I share music?”

“Do I love all the places in which I share music?”

“Do I always play music from a place of love?”

“Do I enjoy the time I invest in learning new music?”

“Am I passionate about the new music I\’m learning?”

“When do I feel most at peace with my music?”

“What brings me joy?”

My answers awakened a deep truth I had been avoiding out of fear.

We do live in the House of Peace when our choices are an expression of what we truly love.

May we all move into 2017 with a deeper connection and commitment to create and share that which our heart and soul desires to express. As more and more people have the courage to live their love, peace is possible and it begins from within.

In the Light of Universal Love,
