Inspiration for November 29th by Bernadette Rose Smith

Inspiration for November 29th by Bernadette Rose Smith #TheWellnessUniverse #WUVIP #Inspiration

Learn the importance of not making assumptions and find the courage to ask questions with the Inspiration for November 29th by Bernadette Rose Smith.

This musing inspired by Sesame Street’s “Conjunction Junction.”

Making an assumption might seem easier than asking a question AND OR speaking up AND OR addressing a discomfort BUT assumptions more times than not put the wrong caboose up front AND on the wrong train AND if they require additional assumptions to support them AND if the first assumption is wrong it gets real complicated AND OR messy AND so it would seem the FUNCTION of ASSUMPTION is not to provide a shortcut BUT a detour around conversations that invite attention, attendance, integrity, honesty and courage AND that is how ASSUMPTIONS grow on AND ON AND ON not to resemble BUT reassemble the reality of our lives.

WHEW! That is a run-on sentence that illustrates the misuse of conjunctions AND assumptions. (Okay, I’ll stop now.)

Simply Put:

“Don\’t Make Assumptions. Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.” – Don Miguel Ruiz

So, watch those assumptions AND don’t get caught at the junction, BeLoved meSSies!

XO Bernadette

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