Inspiration of the Day by Shari Alyse December 2015

Inspiration of the Day by Shari Alyse #TheWellnessUniverse #InspirationOfTheDay #InspiringQuote #Feature #ShariAlyse #WUVIP #IOTD

Inspiration of the Day by Shari Alyse December 2015

Don\’t allow the world to define what your life should look like or what success should mean to you; only YOU can. You can work forever trying to get that “perfect” job, that “perfect” mate, that “perfect” life and then come to find out that you still feel unfulfilled and alone. Nobody can tell you what works for you and only YOU can take that journey.

If you want fulfillment in life, you have to be willing to take the journey. A journey that will lead you to the most wondrous of places and also lead you down roads that might not always feel good. But what you will find out at the end is that YOU were the gift all along. YOU were the contentment. YOU were the fulfillment. YOU were the bliss. Everything and everyone else are just beautiful co-stars in the movie of your life. You can choose to spend your time here trying to get what everyone else has or tells you that you should have, or you can go within and see what fills YOUR soul. I can\’t answer that for you. Your partner can\’t. Your job can\’t. Your bank account can\’t. That\’s all between you and your soul.

BEgin the conversation and BEgin to live the life you\’ve always known you were born to. Make this moment the moment you decide that you are ready to LIVE your purpose. To BE who you know you truly are and to live a life so beautiful that everyone around you will have to squint because you are shining so brightly! Make this moment the moment you decide to finally drop the curtain and BE the magnificent YOU that you have always been!

Make this the moment you realize that you were born for greatness and there isn\’t anything that can stop you but YOU!

With Love,
Shari Alyse

For more inspiration from Shari Alyse and to learn all of the ways to connect, please visit her website

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