IOTD for March 26th by Sandy Evans Pullin

IOTD for March 26th by Sandy Evans Pullin #WUVIP #TheWellnessUniverse #IOTD

IOTD for March 26th by Sandy Evans Pullin


Suggestions for Coping with Loss During Holidays and Special Events

For some, this Easter may be the first holiday since the loss of a loved one. Even if it has been several years since your person graduated to the other side, any holiday tends to bring memories of loved ones to the surface more than other times during the year. As always, my standard survival kit for every day is Reiki, meditation and exercise, but the following suggestions are ones that I\’ve found helpful for coping during the holidays and special events like birthdays and anniversaries.

  • Have a plan. It doesn\’t have to be anything elaborate, just know what you\’re going to do on the day of the holiday, special event day or anniversary. Even if you think you\’ll be fine, having a plan to follow will make for a less emotional day.
  • If you\’ve had a long-standing family tradition, many times it\’s easier to change it up a little and do something different. If you usually have dinner together, try doing brunch…or change your meeting place.
  • If your person always sat in a certain place, the empty chair can be the silent elephant in the room. I\’ve found it helpful to ask someone to sit in it instead of waiting to see who will. In my experience, a simple announcement to the group of who will be sitting in “the chair” takes the pressure off of everyone and the person invited to sit in the vacant chair is honored to do so.
  • Remember to take good care of yourself always, but especially during these stressful times right before the event. Exercise, talk to a friend, journal, meditate and do Reiki.
  • The dread of the day is usually worse than the actual day. Taking a moment to remember your person in a special way can go a long way in helping you feel better. Lighting a candle in their honor or releasing a balloon are nice ways to remember them.

If you are trying to help another person who has suffered a loss, sometimes the best gift you can give them is to listen. As always, follow their lead, but many times being able to talk about their person is a huge comfort. Sharing amusing stories about the departed is a great way to remember them and can be very healing

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