Jim Phillips\’ Wednesday Wisdom for July 18th

Jim Phillips\' Wednesday Wisdom for July 18th by Jim Phillips #TheWellnessUniverse #WUVIP #WisdomForJuly18th

Welcome to Jim Phillips’ Wednesday Wisdom for July 18th! Each Wednesday, WU World Changer Jim Phillips will share some mid-week wisdom for you to ponder and embrace!

“Life always presents what is required to bring about what is needed for the fulfillment of Life’s purpose.”

In each event of life, that is, whatever life puts before you, there is an opportunity to explore, experience, and express the truth of who you are. However, we all too often, get caught up in the “why” the event is happening to us, instead of looking at the “what” the event is offering.

Ask, what within the event is for my benefit?

What within the event will move me beyond my current life experiences and circumstances, to those I have a strong desire to create, and experience? What can I gain from this experience that will further empower me to create and experience more of who I truly am?

What life presents is not always going to be comfortable.

In fact, Neale Donald Walsch (Conversations with GOD) said, “Life begins at the edge of our comfort zone.” If this is true, each time we feel uncomfortable, we should embrace the opportunity with the knowing that we are on the verge of something magnificent happening, or better yet, on the verge of creating something magnificent.

“Embrace each of life’s challenging opportunities with the knowing you are on the verge of something magnificent.”

We don’t always know what is required to bring about what we need to fulfill life’s purpose.

Sometimes it is a devastating loss that serves as the impetus to move us forward. Sometimes it is simply seeing someone else go through a difficult situation that motivates us to make a new choice that moves us in a different direction. And sometimes it is an inspiration so powerful it can no longer be ignored.

The key is awareness.

Be aware of what is happening around you and within you. Be aware of the events life is presenting and the opportunities that lie within these events. And then consciously choose to take action towards that which you desire to create, experience, and be.

Don’t approach the edge of your comfort zone with fear and trepidation.

Step boldly to the edge of your comfort zone and take that joyous leap into your magnificence, your very purpose for being here.

See you next week for my Wednesday Wisdom for July 25th!

– Jim

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