Jim Phillips\’ Wednesday Wisdom for October 3rd

Jim Phillips\' Wednesday Wisdom for October 3rd by Jim Phillips #TheWellnessUniverse #WUVIP #WisdomForOctober3rd

Welcome to Jim Phillips’ Wednesday Wisdom for October 3rd! Each Wednesday, WU World Changer Jim Phillips will share some mid-week wisdom for you to ponder and embrace!

“True prosperity is not found in the accumulation of wealth. It is found by embracing the richness and fullness of Life in all of its expressions.”

Looking around you and within you, what do you see, what do you feel?

What touches your heart, stirs your Soul, what gives you pause? What leaves you speechless, brings a tear, encourages a smile? What produces a hearty belly laugh?

What evokes compassion, invites joy? What engenders love? What excites you, saddens you, what exhilarates you? What perpetuates fear, gives rise to happiness, elicits courage. What allows you peace? What lifts you up, what pulls you down? What causes you to shine?

To open oneself to receive, embrace, embody and experience the richness and fullness of life is to live in full expression of the truth and therefore know true prosperity.

To know that life, the Universe, GOD desires we be prosperous and extends every opportunity to experience, express and be an expression of its desire, is to be truly prosperous.

See you back here next week for my Wednesday Wisdom for October 10th!

– Jim

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