Jim Phillips\’ Wednesday Wisdom for December 12th

Jim Phillips\' Wednesday Wisdom for December 12th by Jim Phillips #TheWellnessUniverse #WUVIP #WisdomForDecember12th

Welcome to Jim Phillips’ Wednesday Wisdom for December 12th! Each Wednesday, WU World Changer Jim Phillips will share some mid-week wisdom for you to ponder and embrace!

“Stop trying to be the perfect human and be perfectly human.”

This was guidance I was given one morning when I had become overly concerned with who I believed I was and should be. Being someone deeply involved in the “truth” and spirituality I had this idea of how I thought a person like me should be and how life should unfold. I had this image of a spiritually advanced person and was doing everything I could to live up to that image.

And yet, I was stressed, mostly unhappy and definitely confused. How could someone who knows as much as I (he said tongue in cheek) be experiencing such a difficult time? Isn’t life supposed to change when you gain a higher understanding? Isn’t life supposed to be a bit easier?

I then found myself on my early morning walk asking this question of whatever or whoever might be listening. “Why is my life the way it is? Why am I not feeling better about who I am and what I do?”

Without hesitation the answer came in loud and clear:

“Stop trying to be the perfect human and just be perfectly human. Your stress, unhappiness, and discomfort are a result of your efforts to be something other than that which you are. You are here in physical form to have the experience of being human. To allow, experience and express the truth of who you are through and as your human form.”

Life doesn’t become easier because a person gains a greater understanding of their purpose for being here.

Life presents challenges (challenging opportunities) to support us in experiencing and expressing who we are more fully and completely.

As I received the answer, I could feel the weight of trying to be what I was not melting away.

I understood it was OK to experience and express anger, frustration, sadness, joy, love, and fear. These are the emotions of being human. Our experience here is to have the full range of human emotions in whatever form of expression they take as we allow the truth of who we are, our Divine Self, to experience and express through us and as us in our human form.

See you back here this time next week for my Wednesday Wisdom for December 19th!

– Jim

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