March – A Season of Renewal

As we look back on the history of the month of March, we realize she has always held a special significance. As winter ends and spring starts to appear on the horizon, March comes in softly with a loving embrace and reveals once again the miracle of renewal and rebirth. Throughout the ages, this pivotal month has witnessed a multitude of historic events that have shaped the course of humanity.

March History

One such occasion occurred on March 15, 44 BC, when Julius Caesar, the famed Roman dictator, was assassinated in a conspiracy led by his own senators. This fateful event marked the end of the Roman Republic and paved the way for the rise of the Roman Empire under the leadership of Caesar’s adopted son, Octavian, later known as Augustus.

Centuries later, on March 15, 1781, the American Revolutionary War reached a turning point with the Battle of Guilford Courthouse in North Carolina. Despite suffering heavy casualties, the British forces under General Cornwallis emerged victorious, but at a great cost. The battle weakened the British forces and ultimately contributed to the American victory in the war for independence.

March also witnessed the beginning of a new chapter in the struggle for civil rights. On March 7, 1965, a group of peaceful civil rights marchers led by Martin Luther King Jr. attempted to cross the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama, only to be met with brutal violence from state troopers. The event, known as “Bloody Sunday,” galvanized public opinion and led to the passage of the Voting Rights Act later that year, ensuring equal voting rights for all Americans.

Celebrations and Traditions

On a lighter note, March has also been a month of celebration and tradition. In many cultures, the month of March marks the beginning of spring and is celebrated with festivals and rituals to welcome the season of renewal. The Irish, for example, celebrate St. Patrick’s Day on March 17, a day filled with parades, music, and merriment to honor their patron saint and Irish heritage.

In the realm of sports, March Madness grips the nation as college basketball teams compete in a thrilling tournament to determine the national champion. The excitement and drama of the tournament have become a beloved tradition, captivating fans, and creating lasting memories for players and spectators alike.

The month of March serves as a bridge between the old and the new, a time of transition and transformation. It reminds us of the cyclical nature of time and the endless possibilities that lie ahead as we reflect on the historic events that have happened in March, we are reminded of the power of change and the resilience of the human spirit.

So as March approaches once again, let us honor the spirit of renewal and embark on our own journeys of growth and transformation. We know time marches on and that we are just her passengers, but we can now add to our journey healthier food options to savor and enjoy.

The Foods

Making their arrival in March, are some of the foods that we have longed for since late summer.

Here are a variety of fresh and seasonal foods that you can enjoy. Here are some good and healthy food choices for the month of March:

Leafy green vegetables like spinach, kale, and collard greens.

Asparagus – a popular spring vegetable that is delicious roasted or sautéed.

Artichokes – great for appetizers or as a side dish.

Strawberries – known as one of the first fruits of spring, they are sweet and juicy.

Peas – whether fresh or frozen, peas are a versatile ingredient for salads, soups, and main dishes.

Radishes – add a pop of color and crunch to salads and sandwiches.

Salmon – a healthy and delicious fish that is in season during spring.

Lamb – a traditional choice for Easter meals, lamb is flavorful and tender.

Carrots – perfect for roasting, steaming, or adding to soups and stews.

Rhubarb – a tart ingredient that is commonly used in pies and desserts.

These are just a few examples of the many tasty and nutritious foods that are in season in March. Enjoy incorporating these fresh ingredients into your meals!

Now that we have covered history and health, let’s cover the activities we can again start to enjoy with the arrival of spring. Below are some wonderful options to enhance all aspects of your journey.

Spring Activities

In the spring, there are various activities you can start doing again, especially with the weather getting warmer and nature coming back to life. Here are some suggestions:

Outdoor sports
You can start playing outdoor sports such as soccer, basketball, tennis, cycling, hiking, or running in the fresh air.

Spring is the perfect time to start gardening, planting flowers, vegetables, or herbs in your garden or on your balcony.

Enjoy a lovely picnic in the park with friends or family, soaking up the sunshine and fresh air.

Outdoor exercise classes
Join outdoor yoga sessions, boot camps, or other fitness classes to stay active and enjoy the outdoors.

Spring is when many bird species return from migration, making it a great time for birdwatching enthusiasts.

Outdoor concerts and events
Check out outdoor concerts, festivals, markets, or other events happening in your area.

Spring cleaning
Use the change of season to declutter, clean your house, and freshen up your living space.

Al fresco dining
Enjoy dining outdoors at restaurants, cafes, or at home on your patio or balcony.

Sightseeing and day trips

Explore parks, nature reserves, historical sites, or other attractions near you as everything comes back to life in the spring.

DIY projects

Get creative with DIY projects like painting, crafting, or home improvement tasks in the pleasant weather.

These activities can help you make the most of the spring season and enjoy the beauty of the outdoors after the cold winter months. It is a start of the glory of renewal for humans, animals, and plants. It is a time to exit hibernation and once again live life to the fullest and embrace each moment!

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