New Moon Rituals – Transform Fear into Power

Transform Fear into Power

I’m definitely a lover of astrology, and if you’re reading this, you are, too. But it makes me a little crazy when people think they can define you only by your “Sun sign” – that’s the zodiac sign your birthday falls under, the time in the year when the Sun is passing through that constellation in the sky. If you’ve ever seen your natal chart, though, (which shows where all the planets were when you were born), you know it’s a lot more complex than that.

That said (and pardon the mini-rant), if there was ever a Sun sign whose true colors shine through, it’s Scorpio because it’s just so intense and charismatic.

It’s actually a little ironic that Scorpios are so identifiable since they can also be really private and secretive, I think that only adds to their allure. You’ve heard the phrase,” still waters run deep?” Well, that’s Scorpio to a T. If you know someone with lots of Scorpio energy, they’re usually pretty multi-layered, which can give them an air of mystery. They draw you in with their personal magnetism.

Scorpio is ruled by the planet Pluto, who was the Roman god of the underworld, and you know he was no lightweight. No surprise, then, that Halloween – otherwise known as the Day of the Dead in many cultures – falls during the Scorpio cycle which runs from October 23rd until November 22nd. And when both the Sun and the Moon meet in Scorpio on the New Moon on October 25th, you’ve got a perfect recipe for deep soul-diving.

Understanding Scorpio’s depths

The “underworld” is a powerful metaphor for our personal subconscious and pulls us to examine our innermost feelings, urges, fears, and psychological makeup. The fact that Scorpio is a water sign just deepens that exploration.

It also explains Scorpio’s urge for transformation, self-mastery, and empowerment, as well as for a meaningful, intimate connection with others. And when you tap into that, you can’t help but address issues of control, power, and manipulation. See what I mean by intense and complex?!

So, how can you bring all of these transformative qualities together to create some powerful Scorpio New Moon magic?

The first step is to look at some of the elements associated with Scorpio energy:

Elemental energy – Water

Colors – black, purple

Gemstones – opal, topaz

Flowers – chrysanthemums

Essential Oils – ylang ylang, patchouli

Music – string instruments, piano

Food/Drink – spicy, intense tastes

If you really want to pack your toolkit to the brim, you could also research Scorpio-themed movies, books, clothes, animals, and places in nature… the list is endless, depending on what you’re drawn to explore.

How to set up your Scorpio New Moon ritual

Your sacred ritual space could be anywhere, but since we want to honor Scorpio’s deep “underworld” connection, I’d suggest someplace that feels dark and enveloping… maybe even creating your own cozy cave, whatever that means to you!

Spread out a deep purple or black cloth wherever you’ve chosen – that becomes your altar cloth. Surround yourself with candles in those same Scorpio colors, along with a bouquet or vase of chrysanthemums. And be sure to have a small bowl of water and some salt.

Now, this is when we can really tap into the “Day of the Dead” energy that swirls around this Scorpio New Moon. In cultures all over the world, it is considered a time when the veil between the living and the dead is the thinnest. Ancestors and those recently departed are invited into the home to honor and remember.

So consider someone who has passed on that you would like to acknowledge and place a picture of them on your altar, and maybe some of their favorite food. In Mexico, families have elaborate picnics in the cemeteries to celebrate their ancestors!

Setting powerful intentions to transform fear into action with the help of your ancestor(s).

Now you’re ready to sink into those Plutonian depths, in the comforting cave-like space you’ve created with the support of a wise ancestor. Close your eyes and imagine a special place to meet with your ancestor. Feel their presence and love.

Allow yourself to identify those areas of your life where you haven’t been playing full out. Here are some questions to consider:

  • What are you afraid of?
  • What inner “gremlins” are holding you back?
  • Is there someone you feel manipulated by?
  • What fears have prevented you from expressing your needs?
  • Where do you feel disempowered at work or in a relationship?

As you answer these questions (or any other ones that come up for you), take a pinch of salt, state out loud the fear or negative emotion you want to release, and literally dissolve each one in your bowl of water.

Symbols are the language of the unconscious, so when you take symbolic action like this, you begin the transformation process at the deepest level.

Once you’ve identified these areas, you’re ready to reclaim your personal power.

In the emotional space that you’ve created by releasing these fears, you can now declare some powerful actions! Call on your designated ancestor to support you as you do this, too.

  • Who do you need to have a conversation with to realign your power balance?
  • Define the qualities you want to reclaim for your self-empowerment and post little reminders to yourself everywhere.
  • Set new boundaries in those relationships where you’ve felt disempowered.

Then make a commitment to take action in these areas in the next week and feel the power surge!

If you want to tap into this energy even more, definitely check out the video I created for The Wellness Universe last year for the Scorpio season.

I’d love to hear about your newly re-empowered actions!

Connect with Deborah on The Wellness Universe.

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