QOTD for April 8th by Ellie Savoy

QOTD for April 8th by Ellie Savoy #WUVIP #TheWellnessUniverse #QOTD
Enjoy The Wellness Universe QOTD for April 8th by Ellie Savoy.
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Here is her expanded thought …

Have you ever found yourself saying that you can’t change the way you eat because you don’t have enough time or enough money to make healthier choices? If so, you are not alone. I hear it so often on my travels. It seems to be a common challenge. It used to be one for me too some years ago, but I made a decision to invest in my health and wellness, and I haven’t looked back since.

I’d like to encourage you to really start paying attention to when you say these things so you too can start to see some improvements in how you feel. I realized they were excuses in my own life and they might be in your life too! So let’s take a look at how you can turn them around to be in your favor.

Awareness is key to any change, so start by paying attention to where you are spending time. How much time are you spending on social media, browsing the internet or watching TV? How much time do you spend meeting someone for a cup of tea or chatting on the phone?

We all have 24 hours in a day and we get to choose how we spend them. I love spending time on taking care of myself because I feel great pretty much all the time. If I catch a cold it doesn’t stick around like it used to and I don’t seem to catch whatever is making the rounds. I love saying that my husband and I are not on any medications in our 50’s! Eating well is the reason why.

A few extra dollars here and there on quality products ends up costing a lot less than getting sick down the road. A simple mindset shift from ‘expense to investment’ can do wonders for your health too.

Start with something simple like eating out less and make a meal at home with real food. It doesn’t take long at all. Discover how this can actually save you time and money, and improve how you feel. Embracing some healthier options is a win-win situation for you and your family. Take that first baby step today.

Here\’s to your health and happiness.

Ellie Savoy
#1 International Best Selling Author of
Stop Dieting Start Living

Meet Ellie Savoy


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