QOTD for August 8th by Dru Ann Welch

QOTD for August 8th by Dru Ann Welch #WUVIP #QOTD #TheWellnessUniverse

Enjoy The Wellness Universe QOTD for August 8th by Dru Ann Welch.
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Here is her expanded thought …

My daughter, her boyfriend and I were talking recently about where we all want to be in the world and how we see our futures turning out. Her boyfriend mentioned that he knows he is meant to do great things, he just can’t see how to get there.

My suggestion was this simple thought – start each day by believing you are what you see yourself becoming, that way the universe will change things to help you get where you are meant to be. This is the simple law of attraction and law of thought put into work. First, when we believe something it creates a change in our neural pathways. The more we believe it, the stronger the pathway becomes and the more the universe works to put us in places to coincide with our belief pattern. As this begins to occur, things around us begin to move us to a place where what we believe to be true becomes a truth.

As crazy as that may sound, it actually works! I remember applying for a job that I really wanted and being called for an interview later that day. I sat down and put myself in the picture, meaning instead of thinking of the interview I began to think and imagine my first month on the job. I started to see myself at the desk, working, greeting patients. I set out in my heart the belief that I already worked there, By the time I got to the interview I believed I already worked in that office. I received a call offering me the job an hour after the interview. If this had only worked for me it would be mere coincidence but I have had friends and other family members use the same approach with the same results.

So put the true law of attraction to work for you. Believe that what you want to do or have or become is already a part of your life. Imagine how great it is being in that position. Heck, imagine how great it has been being in that position or having what you want for the last year. Really put yourself into the picture as you imagine it. Remember that the universe works with us when we are in flow with where we are meant to be, so make sure the want is something realistic. Now mind you , you do have to put in some effort beyond the imagining but I think you will be amazed at the results.

Please Meet Dru Ann Welch