QOTD for February 12th by Ellie Savoy

The #Wellness Universe #Quote of the Day by Ellie Savoy #WUVIP #precious #friend www.TheWellnessUniverse.com

The Wellness Universe QOTD for February 12th by Ellie Savoy


Enjoy The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Ellie and find more inspiration on her page. Here is her expanded thought…


Remember the safety announcement on an airplane prior to takeoff?  It says, “In the case of an emergency, put your own oxygen mask on first before helping someone else.” This principle seems to be missing from day-to-day life. We are so busy taking care of everything and everyone else.
If our bodies are neglected, ignored and running on empty all the time, there is absolutely no way they can function properly, let alone thrive.
If we treated our friends in a disrespectful way, they probably wouldn\’t stick around and your body probably won\’t either.
Remember that you and your precious body are the ultimate best friends. Make today the first day to nurture this relationship.



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