QOTD for February 14th by Jennie Dennison

The #Wellness Universe #Quote of the Day by Jennie Dennison #WUVIP  #Love #peace www.TheWellnessUniverse.com

The Wellness Universe QOTD for February 14th by Jennie Dennison


Enjoy The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day for February 14th by Jennie and find more inspiration on her page. Here is her expanded thought…


It’s vitally important that we all understand, as humans, that we are each driven by just two things: either LOVE or FEAR. That’s it. Nothing else drives our nature. ‘Drive’ is the key word here, i.e. we can feel fear, but still CHOOSE to be driven by love.
LOVE will only ever bring more love, good, peace, courage and all things beautiful. It will always be a positive upward spiral. ALWAYS. Everyone involved benefits from love.
FEAR breeds unhappiness, bitterness, ill judgement, desperation, selfishness, aggression, and hate. It will always be a negative downward spiral. ALWAYS.  Whilst others can, and do suffer as a result of this, the person who will always suffer the most… is the person who lives in fear.
Does it matter? Enormously, because in understanding this, we can each take personal responsibility for what drives us. We can embrace others with empathy and compassion, diffusing fear and creating peace, lighting the way for the next person, and the person after that… and so on.



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