QOTD for February 21st by Estelle Bonaceto

 The #Wellness Universe #Quote of the Day by Estelle Bonaceto #WUVIP #healing #journey www.TheWellnessUniverse.com

 The Wellness Universe QOTD for February 21st by Estelle Bonaceto

Enjoy The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day for February 21st by Estelle and find more inspiration on her page. Here is her expanded thought…


You can know that you are the creator of your reality and still struggle to “get it right”. For many, a deeper vibrational shift needs to occur (in some areas) in order to change the attractive point from places of inner wounding to what is desired. These shifts rarely occur until we have felt and released what has not been allowed to surface. So the journey is not a simple mindset, but a process that goes much more easily when we are lovingly accepting and kind to ourselves while we are still working toward “getting it right”.


Visit and see more from Estelle at  www.facebook.com/GuidedTransitionsHealing


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