QOTD for March 23rd by Jenny Tasker

QOTD for March 23rd by Jenny Tasker #WUVIP #TheWellnessUniverse #QOTD

Enjoy The Wellness Universe QOTD for March 23rd by Jenny Tasker. Follow the link at the end of this article to learn how to connect with her.

Here is her expanded thought …

Negative self-talk is our biggest nemesis as human beings. We constantly listen to that always yelling \’Ego\’, and its need to be heard. It\’s sometimes greedy and can be mean, but it can also be right and rational, reminding us to take care of ourselves first. Which we must! Besides, if you are also listening to the light whispers of how beautiful, smart, and loved you are, then nothing anyone can say, not even you, can make it true.

Being our own worst enemy doesn\’t make a whole lot of sense, and yet we all do it. Much too often we catch ourselves saying terrible things in our heads, or even out loud. Putting down our spirit and light, all throughout the day. I often find that I say to myself, \’you idiot\’, or, \’that was dumb\’. Then I have to apologize to myself for lying, because I am so not an idiot or dumb.

If you catch yourself doing this, stop and apologize to yourself right away!! You deserve to be treated with honor and respect. If you don\’t honor, love, and respect yourself, how can anyone else? Be that someone, looking at yourself in the mirror each morning, seeing your beauty for what it is – a magnificent light. Seriously, do you know how vast and wide our existence is? And here you are, a beautiful miracle!

Waking up with a ‘Hello Beautiful’ in the mirror is something you deserve, and what a marvelous thing to hear and feel at the start of your day! Acknowledging and appreciating the smart and creative things that you do is sharing your very given gift with the world, and it\’s your journey. If you truly love yourself, you will feel full of this amazing lightness that will emit and glow outwards, towards all that come in contact with you.

Now go be that someone.


Meet Jenny Tasker


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