Resilience is an Inside Job

woman looking up and smiling

Resilience, like happiness, is an inside job and some days we’re better at accessing our inner core of resilience than on other days. So, how do we get to that inside core of sweetness when we’re not feeling it? Ah, this is the million-dollar question.

A story I recently heard involved a client who fell head-first down the stairs and lay on the floor while she assessed her situation. She managed to tap into her inner core of resilience, hoist herself up the stairs, send a photo of her bloody face to work, and arrange a ride to urgent care for stitches. Where did her inner resilience come from when she needed it most?

But what is resilience? Resilience is the ability to handle change and bounce back from adversity. An article on the U.S. Department of State website asserts that resilience is a skillset of behaviors, thoughts, and actions you can learn – like learning to ride a bicycle. Yes – AND. Yes, we can practice activities that promote our resilience such as learning to self-calm, transforming anger and fear into positive emotions, and choosing our responses. AND, we all have an inner core of well-being and resilience to tap into when we need it.

Research shows choosing positive emotions increases happiness, resilience, and life satisfaction. The American Psychological Association journal reported research results in the article Happiness unpacked: Positive emotions increase life satisfaction by building resilience. The research study found that positive emotions predicted increases in both resilience and life satisfaction by helping people build lasting resources for living well.

What we do to build our resources can increase or decrease our feelings of wellbeing. However, resilience doesn’t only come from WHAT WE DO, it comes from WHO WE ARE. Resilience isn’t a trait or quality that only some of us are blessed with and some are not. It is part of the human condition.

Happiness, resilience, and joy are our natural state of inner well-being –
underneath the roller coaster of life experiences.

Unfortunately, sometimes when we’re not feeling happy, resilient, or joyful, we can get shamed into feeling deficient which can push us further off center. Feeling a range of emotions is also part of the human condition. Learning to find inner resources to navigate the world of rapid change is a journey called life.

Being heart-led, your goal and purpose are to bring your highest and best self into your relationships so you can expand your positive impact and influence people for the good. When you raise others up it ripples out to the world. That makes you a leader. You lead by the example of your life whether you’re a parent, educator, healer, corporate manager, or entrepreneur. What does it take as a compassionate, inspirational human being to create a personal environment where YOU THRIVE first?

To support you in creating your life on purpose and making the impact you desire, I am hosting a transformational, interactive course, High Vibration Living: Leaders Bridging Inner & Outer Peace, featuring heart-led wellbeing and resilience experts.

I’m thrilled to announce our kickoff, live session gathering, on Wednesday January 25, which will feature the heart-led entrepreneur leader of leaders, Debbie Prediger, Empowerment Leader, and Business Strategist. Debbie will share insights on how to Step out of Fear and into Unconditional Love.

Unconditional LOVE is who you BE; learn to embody that in every cell of your being.
Embrace the life you’d love just by being YOU.
The real you, fully expressed.
~Debbie Prediger

Debbie Prediger is on a mission as an empowerment leader and strategist connecting heart-centered world-changers, visionaries, and thought leaders with their audiences so they can create a ripple effect of influence while uniquely answering the calling on their hearts.

Join us monthly in this interactive circle as we learn and practice BEING a bridge between inner peace and the outer world where we will study doing vs. being. Each session will feature wellness experts who will help you reconnect to your inner peace and inner resilience so you can operate at a high vibration and send ripples of peace and well-being to those in your orbit.

Each session will include powerful, life-enhancing stories, personal interactions, transformative exercises, and time for reflection to integrate what you’ve learned.

Between sessions, we’ll meet as a community to support each other and get additional support and guidance, including exclusive conversations with wellness experts in our private Facebook Group – up leveling your experience, supporting you, and connecting together as like-minded leaders committed to bridging inner and outer peace.

I hope you will join us for
High Vibration Living:
Leaders Bridging Inner & Outer Peace

on the 4th Wednesday of every month throughout 2023
9:30-10:30 am ET

You can join us LIVE for an interactive session or catch the recording at your convenience.

This program is offered free or on a donation basis as part of the Wellness For All programming.

For registration details check my WU profile at


U.S. Department of State. What is Resilience?

APA PsycArticles: Journal Article. Happiness unpacked: Positive emotions increase life satisfaction by building resilience. John, M. A., Fredrickson, B. L., Brown, S. L., Mikels, J. A., & Conway, A. M. (2009). Happiness unpacked: Positive emotions increase life satisfaction by building resilience. Emotion, 9(3), 361–368.

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The Wellness Universe introduces you to Gayle Nowak Visibility Sage and Soul Session Guide in partnership with Wellness for All programming bringing you Unmask Your Magic, Soul Sessions: Healing and Clearing to Achieve Success.

Catch the recorded session(s) and be sure to join the next LIVE class! 

Register today:

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see how our self-care books are helping thousands of people around the world. Digital and paperback books are available now.

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