Fruits and vegetables can nourish the body whether they are eaten, applied topically as medicine, or incorporated as a skin care regimen.
This is the time of year when fruits and vegetables are in abundance. It is no secret that these foods are very nourishing because they contain the essential vitamins and minerals that our body needs. Eating lots of fruits and vegetables helps hydrate the body and gives the skin a healthy glow as it radiates from within. It is also no surprise that applying these fruits and vegetables on the skin has a huge benefit on the largest organ of the body. You’re about to learn that the best skin care is just waiting to be discovered from your own kitchen, or growing in abundance from your own backyard.
The scientific definition of fruits and vegetables somehow differ from what is known in the culinary world. In botany, fruits are known as the part of flowering plants that contain the seeds and are the means by which such plants pass on those seeds. Simply said, if it is from a plant and has seeds, it is a fruit, if not, it is a vegetable. Nevertheless, fruits and vegetables can nourish the body whether they are eaten, applied topically as medicine, or incorporated as a skin care regimen.
Applying fruits and vegetables to the skin works on the premise that the skin absorbs and uses nutrients introduced or applied to it. Many people think absorption takes place through the sweat glands. Aubrey Hampton in Natural Organic Hair and Skin Care says, “The mechanism whereby certain substances penetrate the epidermal layer and dermal layers and are absorbed into the systemic circulation is called the pilosebaceous apparatus because it occurs through the hair follicles and the sebaceous glands. The gradual absorption that characterizes the pilosebaceous apparatus allows certain substances to work more effectively when applied topically than with either a pill or a hypodermic needle, as with the corticosteroids.”
That being said, it is time to examine the ingredients of the products we have been using to care for our skin and body on a daily basis. The “gradual absorption” that takes place every day from the products we use on our body will eventually reach its therapeutic or toxic point. Nature feeds on nature to survive and using natural and organic products will put us in harmony with nature. It is indeed ironic to use real lemon to polish our furniture and use synthetic products to care for our own skin. Mother nature has provided us with what our body needs and it is our duty to discover them.
The list of fruits and vegetables below with their health benefits and uses is for educational purposes only. It is recommended that the reader does his own research, observes his body’s reaction and proceeds with caution when following these treatments. The effectiveness of natural products (not chemically produced from a laboratory) is usually proven through personal use. Let your body be your guide and be your own scientist – equipped with the knowledge of nature’s wisdom.
– Jiji Chai
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Jiji Chai is a Bachelor of Science in Nursing-Registered Nurse by profession, wife of a Physical Therapist and a mom of three wonderful children. She has worked as a nurse in various health-care settings and has met people from different walks of life. She is a WOW author and WELLNESS coach. She authored the program Walk On WELLNESS, Wow Your Way To Health. She enjoys documenting life events, putting her thoughts into words and sharing with others lessons she has learned along life’s journey. She likes to learn from and inspire others to grow to the fullest potential there is possible.