The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by All 1 son

quote of the day Friday

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by All 1 son


The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day  by Allison Sara 113

Foriving is for giving and both parties are recipients of the gift. How this has been misunderstood for so many centuries puzzles me as it says very clearly that it is something to be “given”. It\’s not just about forgiving others who have done us harm in any way, it\’s also about forgiving ourselves for any mistakes we have made in the past.

Forgiveness is a gift to ourselves and others and when we don\’t forgive, we carry the resentment around with us while it eats away at us long after the issue that we have taken objection to.

Forgiveness is the gift that frees us all without blame, but with understanding that we are all doing the best we can at any times, and often the actions of others are not really about us at all, but rather about others hitting out from their own inner pain. Give yourself and others the gift of giving forgiveness.

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