The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Amy Camie

The #Wellness Universe #Quote of the Day by Amy Camie #WUVIP #possibilities #change

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Amy Camie


Enjoy The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Amy and find more inspiration on her page. Here is her expanded thought…


For over 15 years I have lovingly shared healing harp music and empowering programs in the cancer community through presentations, workshops, gifting of CDs, bedside visits, live music in chemotherapy infusion units, and as a guest speaker for many support groups.
In December 2010, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. The opportunity for me to walk my talk was beyond profound as my message for years had brought awareness to the vibrational and energetic impact of the language often used in the cancer world which focuses more on the fear and fight versus the loving and learning. I knew from day one that my journey with cancer was about learning to love myself more fully and I made a commitment to be open and honest about my feelings, fears, insights and lessons in all my journal entries.
In December 2012, I was diagnosed a second time as my journey to love continued.
In 2013, “Loving Life…all of it –A Walk with Cancer, Compassion and Consciousness” was published. It is a summary of journal entries, insights and lessons that continue to impact my life. Below is the Life Lesson that inspired today’s Quote of the Day.
Life Lesson 4
Judgments and Assumptions
Restrict Possibilities
Journal Entry: January 6, 2011 
It feels as if my body is guiding the momentum of our decisions and is helping us to slow down while still moving ahead. To be on this side of the journey is profound for me as I could never have understood my judgments, assumptions and perceptions without having experienced it personally. It is soooo personal and I honor everyone who has walked it before me.
I wrote the above journal entry after our appointment with my surgeon who explained all the different possibilities and treatments, which, of course, were dependent upon test results that were not yet available: mastectomy, double mastectomy, lumpectomy, hysterectomy, were all choices on the table.
Wow, I never imagined that I could actually choose any of those, especially a double mastectomy! After all, my breasts are directly connected to my femininity, my ability to nurture, my beauty as a woman, or so I thought. Such a story I had created around my breasts, such judgments I carried, and in less than 15 minutes – poof – all the stories and judgments were gone, because they were simply that…stories and judgments.
“Take them off!” It was a decision that I was ready to make if my genetic tests came back positive. Fortunately, it was not a decision I had to make. My tests were fine and I ended up having a lumpectomy plus eleven lymph nodes removed; only one lymph node was involved and the rest were clear.
This experience shed light on many of my previous judgments and perceptions I had held about myself and others. My heart opened in ways I could never have imagined. My self-love began blossoming within this new experience of recognizing those thoughts and feelings I had, up to this time, refused to acknowledge.
An integral part of The ORIGINS Process is asking self-inquiring questions that explore the gem messages selected on the Flower mandalas. This self-exploration through questioning is one of my favorite and most effective techniques of self-discovery. I began asking myself questions such as:
·         “Where did these judgments come from?”
·         “Are they mine or part of an old inherited pattern?”
·         “Why were they repressed?”
·         “What was I afraid of?”
·         “Can I remember when they started?”
·         “What experience are they connected to?”
As I sat silently, listening for answers from my heart rather than my head, quiet words and phrases offering insight emerged from deep within me. The fear diminished as I realized I didn’t have to accept or agree with those thoughts and judgments; however, it was my responsibility to acknowledge they were part of me. Once acknowledged, I could choose to keep them or transform them. Most of the judgments now felt old, limiting and tight. With every breath, the spirit of honesty, clarity and truth opened sacred space within me.



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