The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Angela Bertoli

The #Wellness Universe #Quote of the Day by Angela Bertoli #WUVIP #love #awareness

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Angela Bertoli


Enjoy The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Angela and find more inspiration on her page. Here is her expanded thought…


The pain from love lost has been felt by most. It’s that burning in your chest, the inability to talk about it, the endless pain that not many can accurately describe. I’d rather have a broken leg or arm, anytime, over the dreaded broken heart. With a broken bone it takes about 6 weeks of mending. When you lose love, there are no timelines, there’s no guide, no answers, only questions and unbearable pain that could last a really long time.

The loss of love is comprised of many facets, that are painful individually, but the combination of them together can be absolutely crushing. Your spirit is damaged, your heart grieves and your inner core has taken a critical blow. It will drop you to your knees and level the strongest of the strong in one mighty swipe.

It’s a risk. Losing a love that causes this kind of physical, mental and soul felt pain is the risk you take. You enter into a contract of sorts, you sign at the x and you hope it lasts forever…but that’s the risk. Once you have experienced the splendor of love, nothing else matters. It becomes your greatest pain and your greatest desire.

Experiencing this kind of loss is so excruciating that it can cause deep fear and anxiety about ever being that vulnerable again. The question of all time is just that, is love worth the risk of that pain? Simply, yes it is. The only chance at complete recovery from such a loss is a new love. A love that makes you have hope again and gives you a light back that glimmers in your eyes.  Losing love is tragic. The only known cure is to love again. Take the risk and enjoy the euphoria as many times as you need to. Love is the cure.


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