The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Barbara Pryor-Smith

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Barbara-Smith-WU-152

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Barbara Pryor-Smith


Enjoy The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Barbara and find more inspiration on her page. Here is her expanded thought…


We may awaken each day, prayerful and hopeful to give and receive much light in the world around us, but when reality hits we are challenged by traffic, sick children, financial woes, and almost always, more to do than there are hours to do it. We feel discouraged that the high ideals we aspired to as we left home at 8AM are absolutely unreachable, and the tension we internalize is palpable. The mental clutter literally blocks the sunlight to our soul.

Let us each commit to daily deep relaxation time where we gently let our thoughts go, focus upon slow deep breathing, and complete relaxation of every muscle,. The thoughts may attempt to revisit, but simply let them slip away, and become conscious of the great peace and light that is finding its way back into your being. Remain quiet and feel that holy presence. We must all find time for this gift to ourselves for at 20 minutes daily. To those who say, “But I just don’t have the time,” the advice must be, ”Then do it for an hour each day.” Your delicate and beautiful soul will thank you.


Visit and see more from Barbara at


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