The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Bonnie Sheldon

The #Wellness Universe #Quote of the Day by Bonnie Sheldon #WUVIP #energy #moment

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Bonnie Sheldon


Enjoy The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Bonnie and find more inspiration on her page. Here is her expanded thought…


How you use your mind, or let your mind use you, controls the entirety of your experience.  Although the emphasis on \’creating our reality\’ is commonplace, few realize that their entire perception of \’what is going on\’ is singularly theirs alone.
It\’s well known that police witnesses rarely agree on what they saw. This being the case, and there having been an actual event, for instance in the example of a car accident, this demonstrates that each person\’s view is colored by their own life experience and beliefs.
To let your mind run wild with racing thoughts, or to allow it to ponder a reality that is merely a reflection of your own core belief system, is to deny yourself the beauty of each moment.  What thought is in your mind, at any given moment, is always a choice.  It\’s a further choice whether the thought is conscious or subconscious. Are you using your mind so as to maximize your Life, or is it an entertainment station and you aren\’t tuning in the channel?
Take charge through the understanding that the mind is indeed a muscle.  We have many tools such as meditation, EFT, chanting, etc to learn to first observe and then control our thinking patterns. We will only be able to claim the Life We Deserve to Live if we take the steps to actually manage our mental processes, and You Can Do It!


Visit and see more from Bonnie at




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