The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Brenda Joyce McAleer

quote of the day Friday

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Brenda Joyce McAleer

Spiritually inspiring, the quote of the day by Brenda McAleer gives us pause and clarity. Read on for her expanded thought.

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Brenda McAleer 97

I believe we are all here for a reason, to help each other find our truth and remember who we really are.

We are all a spark of the Divine, all One, breathing the same breath of Oneness.

We are on sacred ground and we just need to align with that Inner Space inside us.

Like Ram Dass says “We are all walking each other Home”. I Love that. Yes we are.

We are Loved Based, Peace Based, and we nourish the Spirit when we go inward.

Do what you feel drawn to, because that is your inner self telling you what to do.

Know it is there to serve you on your path.

Follow your guidance, your intuition.

The Divinity within you is evolving into Consciousness.

Be in Gratitude for everything, even the small things, the hard things, it opens up the abundance of Blessings in your life.

Life is a gift no matter what we experience in it, everything is a lesson to learn and to strengthen us.

Be proud of who you are you are Uniquely You and that is enough.

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