The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Estelle Bonaceto


The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Estelle Bonaceto

Enjoy The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Estelle and find more inspiration on her page. Here is her expanded thought…


Whatever dark may be occurring around you or in the world, you have within you all that it takes to hold steady in your inner light. Life\’s experiences when recognized as the learning tools that they are, fortify us in ways that with intention, will intensify inner resilience. Equipped with a \’thicker skin\’, you can move forward more easily into unknown territory. That which once was shunned with fear you may now fearlessly approach. You are indeed far stronger than you realize. With each difficult experience, moment of hardship, heartbreak or lack you\’ve had to dig deep to come to a place of returning to your inner being. That place when experienced even for brief moments in time reaffirms the power within; the power that is connected to all that is.

Within the consciousness of human frailties, it is easy to feel separate or disconnected from that core connection. Each one of us comes in and out of our connectedness to this space as we experience the trials of day to day life and at times, the \’dark\’ outside can feel so intense that we may fear it will diminish or extinguish our inner light. Take heart, regardless of what occurs outwardly you have great strength at your core; the strength of the highest power in the universe.  With trust in the power and magic you hold within combined with your highest intention of serving a greater good, no \’dark\’  will weaken your spark.

It is time to set aside old programs, time to finally commit to believing in who you truly are and to start living like it. Your light and courage are needed NOW! There is much work to be done, for ourselves, families, communities, and the planet. Let\’s collectively join in to bring forth greater change, starting first and most importantly with self. Stronger together, we are here now at this time for a reason. Your inner light and participation is needed.


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