The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Heather Corinne Lang

The #Wellness Universe #Quote of the Day by Heather Corinne Lang #WUVIP #Experience #growth

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Heather Corinne Lang


Enjoy The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Heather and find more inspiration on her page. Here is her expanded thought…


Each one of us has the opportunity for growth and transformation, yet we each have different lessons to learn at different times.  We have all led different lives, walked different paths and experienced different situations along our unique journeys. One person may already have knowledge in one area, while another has knowledge in a different one. This knowledge or wisdom can come from this lifetime or another one. Therefore, our opinions, beliefs and understandings of life will be different, because the lessons we need to learn are different at this particular moment in time and in our lives. We are also all not growing at the same pace, nor in the same areas, no matter our ages. A teenager may have had an experience which another may not have until they are in their 50\’s, if ever. We are all not moving in the same direction, yet our lives and paths may cross.  When this happens we can share and learn from each other, yet our lessons will still be unique to our souls\’ needs. Along with our special gifts and talents, this makes us each of us distinct and extraordinary in our own ways. We may have similar paths to others, but they will never be exactly the same. Therefore, it is our responsibility to learn our lessons and walk our paths in our direction and our time for the healing, growth and transformation which is perfect for our soul mission. 

Visit and see more from Heather at


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