The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Helen Locmelis

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Helen-Locmelis-WU-136

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Helen Locmelis

Enjoy The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day from Helen and find more inspiration on her page. Here is her expanded thought.


Balance balance balance… that\’s the whole ethic behind our beautiful page and our business. If we get our balance in life right the rest flows and it is the right foundation to allow you to truly reach for your dreams.

We are all here, experiencing life in many different ways and just like making a cake, the mix between us creates a perfect blend and such a unique and delicious taste. It isn\’t the most easiest of things to achieve, we often like to run too fast, open the box with curiosity or delve in with our opinions and judgements of others so quickly. Yet if we can just start with aspects of our own life like time, thoughts and how we treat or view people, we are already taking a step towards achieving a little more balance and harmony.

No one gets it right all of the time. But adjusting our views, actions, thoughts and attitude we all become a little bit closer to understanding others, and living a life which is abundant and filled with gratitude and contentment.

Dreams can be achieved, but only when the time is right, and creating your own balanced pathway is about accepting and yet still being inspired, and then everything begins to slot in and move forward.  We believe that in understanding and accepting what is going on behind the scenes, we can help create the perfect platform to move forward with optimism and believe anything is possible.


Visit and see more from Helen at


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