The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Jacqueline Conroy

The #Wellness Universe #Quote of the Day by Jacqueline Conroy #WUVIP #journey #awareness

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Jacqueline Conroy


Enjoy The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Jacqueline and find more inspiration on her page. Here is her expanded thought…


From the moment you are born the ‘truth of others’ was integrated as your truth. The ideal you was formed – “Am I good enough?”  “Am I worthy?”

The tension created between the real and the ideal you is like stretching a rubber band – the bigger the distance between the two the more taught the rubber band becomes. If the distance becomes too great the rubber band will snap!

Exposing the real you to yourself and to the world takes great courage and is not a journey for the faint hearted.

We often start this journey to our real selves when the rubber band snaps – a blessing in disguise for many of us. It is from this place of broken rawness that we begin to accept who we really are – our authentic and exquisitely beautiful self.

Self-acceptance takes us into the light of self-awareness, and acts of great self-compassion and non-judgement.

In our vulnerability, we name our shame, learn to love our imperfections and honour the divinity of our unique existence. We develop a deep empathy for our fellow beings and ourselves.

Embracing your vulnerability becomes your greatest strength. Standing in the truth of the real you brings a light to the world that can only shine from within you.

Being human means accepting your humanness.
Beautiful REAL YOU, I honour your path of the integrating and loving the perfections and the imperfections.

Visit and see more from Jacqueline at

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