The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Judy Armstrong

Motivational Monday Quote Of The Day
Motivational Monday Quote Of The Day

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Judy Armstrong

The Wellness Universe motivational Monday quote of the day comes to us from Judy Armstrong, singer, songwriter, speaker and coach. See below for expanded thought and lyrics to one of her songs.

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Thank you Judy for this expanded thought:

You are infinitely greater than your three dimensional form. You are a beautiful daughter/son of Divine Love and have All the attributes of the FatherMother God. Always remember your True Worth and know that the very answers you seek are always within your own I AM. You have Free Will and Personal Responsibility and it is up to you to listen to your heart to follow your destiny. When you practice attuning to your Higher Power, your intuitive abilities will blossom in ways that you little dream of today. Everyone has the ability to see with true Soul Vision. When you come to understand that the only way out is within, you will raise your consciousness and know that ‘seeing’ multi-dimensions is as natural as breathing. Your purpose is to ‘BE LOVE’. Be Present in each moment and remember your Inner Knowing. Let your life unfold naturally, allowing yourself to grow your wings before you can fly.

In Spirit, there is no past, present and future as you think of it. In truth, everything is held in the embrace of the Eternal Now. Be patient and trust. All is well. And So It Is.”

The following excerpt is from the song “Beloved Child” by Judy Armstrong from her CD, “Inside of Me”.


“Beloved child, you are only Love expressing

My lovely child, do you know your life’s a blessing

Breathe me in to your soul, my lamb,

You already know Who I AM

In your dream, you thought I had gone away

But I AM Here forever

Beloved child, rest a little while and hear me

Beloved child, rest a little while, be near me

In this lifetime you will reach your star

You already know Who You Are”

To listen to a song clip of “Beloved Child”

For more from Judy, please visit

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