The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Justin Harmon

quote of the day Saturday

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Justin Harmon

Familiar feeling? Read the expanded thought to Justin\’s quote of the day and be inspired to live your life fully!

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day  Justin Harmon 98

We carry on the torch that has been passed down by those who’ve come before us. The past is but a reminder of the life we were taught to live. We follow what we know. Until something happens that ignites a spark within our souls and awakens us to other possibilities, all we have is what we are.  

What are we? We’re a product of our environment. Until we put ourselves into another, it’s very difficult to change anything. It’s all encompassing. It surrounds us. It allows us to live a life that is subpar to the life we long for in our hearts. It’s easier to settle. It’s more comfortable that way.  

Who needs fulfillment when you can just distract yourself with bright shiny objects and small bursts of pleasures. Yet, that only lasts for so long. Eventually, most of us yearn for a sense of meaning and fulfillment. We’re human. We have an inner desire to grow. It’s when we chase the desires that go beyond the ego, we find the ever expanding and limitless capabilities for true fulfillment. So go there now. Don’t settle for mediocrity. Most people do that. Follow your dreams instead. That’s much more heroic.  

Become the creator of your own reality and dare to dance the tides of infinity with a smile on your face and a fire in your eye.

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