The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Lynda Kaplan

quote of the day sunday

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Lynda Kaplan

What a beautiful thought for a peace filled Sunday. Our quote of the day comes from a teacher of love, self care and joy, Lynda Kaplan. Read on to see her expanded thought on her quote, below.

Lynda Kaplan WU 38b


“We are created with a pure, loving soul. We have many gifts and talents that can be unique and special. It is up to us to find these gifts and share them with our world.

What we all have in common, however, is Love.

Our basic nature is Love.

We don’t run out of love. It is a feeling that is replenished.

The more you give, the more there is to give. When you receive love, either physically, or perhaps through a kind gesture or word, you are filled up with love as well.

Your soul recognizes Love at its most basic level.

Give out your love today to help fill up the people who you love. Spread your love to the people you meet in the course of your day-to-day activities through your acts of kindness.

Your life will feel special and blessed. You will help others feel loved and blessed as well.

Love is an abundant emotion.

Share yours with our world today.”

Lynda Kaplan


Thank you Lynda! For more from Lynda please visit

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