The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Monica Jones

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Monica-Jones-WU-156

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Monica Jones

Enjoy The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Monica and find more inspiration on her page. Here is her expanded thought…

I’m a firm believer that our emotions play an important role in our journey of healing and transformation.
When the emotions come from the heart, from a wounded self, from a layer that needs to be uncovered or from a belief that may be required to be released or shifted, then those emotions are meant to be felt.
There are other kinds of emotions; the ones that come from a fearful imaginary story that we play in our heads over and over again in the form of thoughts. When we get lost in these head originated story, we need to STOP.
To do this requires constant monitoring of our thoughts, as sometimes it is easy to confuse heart based emotions with head based emotions.
I have recently experienced a situation where the head based emotions felt very real, yet because I had and keep working on the core of my SELF, I was able to recognize that those emotions were coming from the head and not my heart. Therefore, were not real. I had to stop the thoughts and sometimes moving around helps to shift the energy.
And when we do this, something shifts and we are able to let go.
To do this takes time and sometimes asking for guidance can help as we are not alone.
Visit and see more from Monica at

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