The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Nancy Rainwater

quote of the day Saturday

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Nancy Rainwater

Below, find Nancy\’s expanded thought on her original, inspiring quote.

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Nancy Rainwater 107

I love rocks. As far back as I can remember, I’ve loved rocks. During every trip, I’d bug my parents to stop the car on the side of the road so that I could look for rocks to collect. And I did have a collection. I even minored in Geology in college. I loved the many different colors and shapes and textures of the rocks, making each one unique. I loved holding them. Now, I know that the Earth was communicating with me, an only child … and I was and am able to feel that connection and understand it. Rocks have always been a part of my life. I know how important they were, because when I was at the very darkest point of my life, I actually threw away the rock collection that I had kept for twenty years. I was trying to hurt myself, to throw my “self” away. I still tear up thinking about tossing them – I vividly remember doing it. They were important to me – quite a statement about that moment in my life. 

I will always be thankful to Caroline Myss, because in a way, she helped me to allow them back into my life. We were studying some of her spiritual materials when something she wrote really grabbed my attention. She talked about thinking back to remember what mattered to us when we were young, what we liked to do as children and to pick up those threads of interest and abilities. These interests, in many ways, represent our essence … before we began doing and being what others wanted. So, 20 years after throwing away my rock collection, I embraced rocks again. 

What a surprise it has been! I now have thousands of little pieces of “rocks” and a business in which I get to “play” with them …. I make gemstone jewelry and energy charms. The Earth still communicates with me and I still feel it. I have come to understand the presence, the massive strength, power, resilience and well-being that is our Earth. And, because I have this spiritual, metaphysical connection, I’ve been able to match “rocks” with people, according to need and desire – almost like divination in some ways. It’s been a wild ride, because it’s not something that I had ever thought about doing, nor had I known anyone who did such a thing. We all have our purpose and practice in life, and this is mine. Thus, Rainwater Designs was born in 2006. 

The message to me (and now to you): pay attention to that to which you are drawn, to those abilities you are able to perfect, to those activities that lift you up, bring you joy, lighten your heart, to those instances when time stands still and also flies by. It’s a Sign! Don’t be deterred. Age is of no consequence. Life situation won’t be a block. Doesn’t matter what you have been doing – I already had a Ph.D. in Education, for goodness sake. Find a way to make your passion, that positive obsession, work! If you need it, also find a way to make money doing this thing that has called you. You can do it. If I can get from childhood rock collecting to creating gemstone jewelry for healing and well-being, then you can find a way to make your calling work, too. 

It IS a “calling,” you know. Treat it like that. 

This experience has allowed me to regain and to embrace a part of me that parents, partners, and the world, in general, had sought to crush. I love this part of me. I’d dearly love to have my rock collection back, but you know what? I have a room full of “rocks” from all over the world. And I share them! They help people. I love them and they love me. I am thrilled when something new comes into being through me. Rocks rock! 

Heed the call, friends!

Nancy Rainwater, Ph.D.

Thank you Nancy! For more visit

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