The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Phoenix Ivey Sierra

The #Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Phoenix Seirra #WUVIP #encouragement #quote #QuoteoftheDay

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Phoenix Ivey Sierra


Enjoy The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Phoenix and find more inspiration on his page. Here is his expanded thought…


As we walk through our journey called life, any hurdles come our way, wrong turns, dead ends. Unsure path. But what they all have in common are: lessons.

Wrong turns will lead us to unknown destinations that we might have never planned, but that’s what the lesson that turn teaches us – a wrong destination is not our final destination so don’t let it be!

Dead ends: In everyday life, we face hurdles which can’t be dealt with. Loss of a dear one or moving to a different place for better life, those are the ends of a journey up to that point in life. New life awaits you so don’t give up on new adventures just because you are comfortable where you are.

Unsure path: So you are at a point where you are unsure about a current situation right now, dealing with unsure situations in life is one of the most nerve-wracking things one can go through. Doubts creep in and vision ahead gets clouded. But don’t give up. Beyond the cloud is sunshine, beyond the gloom is a beautiful bloom. Take your time and sort your worries one by one, one step at a time, one worry at a time.

Whatever you do, never give up. Because ‘history remembers the brave’ and your history will be written in golden letters. You history, your legacy!

Phoenix I. Sierra

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