The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Rhonda Hendricks

quote of the day Friday

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Rhonda Hendricks

Who will you be today? Why not YOU! Thank you for the original quote of the day Rhonda. Below find her expanded thought.

Rhonda Hendricks 42

“BEing” you is about discovering your authentic self, and living from that place. Do you want to know the fastest way to a miserable life?: Do what everyone else does and live according to the beliefs and opinions of others. Yep! You were created an original; one in eternity, as a matter of fact. There\’s no one like you in all the earth. You live—- One Life—you might as well be You! What does the world need? The world needs YOU, fully Awake and fully alive. You were created to sparkle and shine, and bring things to life with your unique giftings, talents, personality, energy, anointing within you. Today… a good day to be fully you, without concern or intimidation about what others might, or do think of you. Don\’t let opinions of others imprison you any longer! Be fearlessly authentic and color your world, like only you can do.

The world needs: YOU—-fully Awake and fully Alive!

Arise and shine, my friends.

~Rhonda Hendricks


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