The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Sharon Carne

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by sharon-Carne-WU-127

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Sharon Carne

Enjoy The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Sharon and find more inspiration on her page. here is her expanded thought….

We know that everything in the universe is in vibration. This vibration permeates every part and dimension of the universe, including you. Also, the part of this universal vibration that we call consciousness, All that Is, God, Creator… permeates every part and dimension of you.

Sound is defined as vibrational energy. Sound is energy that can change how matter itself vibrates. Including you. Through the field of Cymatics, the study of the effect of vibration (or sound) on matter, we can see how powerful sound is for restructuring matter.

Here are words that were given to me in the middle of the night before a speaking engagement several years ago. I have been sharing them with people ever since.

Sound is the energy of creation.

We are given the energy of creation itself – our voice.

And we are given the power of creation – our thought and intention.

Every one of us has this gift.

At the beginning of our earliest civilizations, sound and language was considered sacred.

Because when we speak or sing, we send into the world the energy of creation itself.

We have forgotten this. Sound and language are still sacred. What has changed is HOW we create with them.

We cannot stop being creators. We can only CHOOSE to create consciously or unconsciously.

Visit and see more inspiration from Sharon Carne at

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