The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Trudy Brookes

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Trudy Brookes via The Wellness Universe #WUVIP #QOTD #QuoteOfTheDay #TheWellnessUniverse

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Trudy Brookes


Enjoy The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Trudy and find more inspiration on her page. Here is her expanded thought…


People often think less of themselves than what other people actually think of them.  When you ask someone to name 3 qualities about themselves, they are often coy in saying what they think their qualities are.  However, if you ask someone to name 3 qualities about someone else, they can reel them off without thinking.  Why is this?  Why do we not always believe we are as good as we actually are?
It all comes down to your own self-worth.  We might have self-esteem issues which can come from as far back as early childhood programming, where someone may have made a \’throw away\’ remark like, \’her sister is the clever one\’.  This would leave you feeling as if you weren\’t as clever as your sibling (this is not the case).  You may have carried this forward all throughout your life and it is something that does not serve you.  Once we have formed these beliefs about ourselves (mostly unhelpful and untrue beliefs), they spill out into our behaviour and we could start acting that way because we believe we are that certain way.
I remember being told I was \’reckless\’ as a teenager and then guess what?  I started to behave in a reckless manner.  It was only years later that I realised that this \’throw away\’ remark may have applied to one single situation I was involved in but I took it on as a \’belief system\’ and acted out in that way.  We need to really look at our old beliefs, especially those that do not serve us for our highest and greatest good, and let them go.  If we don\’t release them we will continue to feel unworthy which has a host of repercussions in our lives.  The reason I wrote this quote, “You don\’t have to be better than everyone else, just be the best that you can be.” is because it is true.  Just be the best version of you.



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