The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Versandra Kennebrew

quote of the day Friday

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Versandra Kennenbrew

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Versandra Kennebrew 106

Thank you for this loving quote Versandra. Her expanded thought:

How many times have you looked in the mirror and thought to yourself, “Who am I?” If you are like most humans, you’ve contemplated your existence and your purpose on this plane of existence hundreds of times. When you really decide to engage in deep introspection, it’s amazing what surfaces.

Several years ago, I was at a major turning point in my life. I looked in the mirror and did not see the fun loving, free spirited woman that I used to know. There was a dark cloud looming over me, and I longed for the sun to shine again. I began to meditate, and in the silence, I received this revelation.

“I am the quintessence of the divine, most perfect of all creation with power to produce at will, seeds that multiply like ripples in an ocean. The personification of I Am; beautiful, radiant, absolute and undeniable, I am Love.”

Who are you? You are Love, everything else is Maya.

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