Upleveling Wellness Featuring David McLeod

In our everchanging world, it seems as though the pace of life is moving increasingly faster, working itself into a whirlwind. The need for self-care, mental health, and prevention is quickly becoming a necessity for survival. We all want to live healthier, more peaceful lives but where do we go for help? And if you don’t have the extra cash, what can you do to help yourself?

Upleveling Wellness, a Wellness Universe exclusive series, is here to guide you. Glean from our experts’ wisdom and walk the path to a healthier, happier you.

Today, we introduce you to David McLeod.

The Wellness Universe (WU): What do you do?

David McLeod (DMcL): I am a certified master life coach, speaker, facilitator and international best-selling author. I’m also a Senior Partner at the Wellness Universe.

WU: Why did you choose to devote your career to this?

DMcL: After spending years doing what was “expected of me” and focusing my attention on making others happy (by essentially putting all my wants and needs on the backburner (indefinitely!)), I was growing more and more resentful and angry. I had one wake-up call in 1992 that alerted me to this situation, and after another 10 years I finally began to understand how that had all come about. As I focused on unraveling my defective belief systems and healing old wounds, and after experiencing a second powerful awakening in 2003, I came to recognize my own gifts as a facilitator/coach. I realized that this was a way for me to honor the truth of who I really am while helping others come to the same level of self-awareness. I discovered that nothing excites me as much as witnessing another being waking up to the truth of his/her natural essence.

WU: How does your work help individuals?

DMcL: I support, educate and inspire middle aged adults who are disillusioned or angry about their life situation. I empower them to find purpose, passion, and peace as they create and master fulfilling lives that make a difference in the world. “As a MagnifEssence Mentor I design, develop, and share many different programs that help people to become crystal clear about who you really are and why you are really here. As you expand into the fullness of your true MagnifEssence, you naturally create a massive positive impact in the world.”

WU: How can your work improve wellness in the workplace?

DMcL: My work is always about bringing people to a deep awareness of who they really are. Without necessarily saying so, this encourages people to connect to their innate spiritual essence. When they get there, they tend to recognize organically their connection to each other, which help in subtle but powerful ways to improve relationships and collaboration in the workplace. This has a cascading effect of creating a healthy space for mental, physical and emotional wellness to flourish. All businesses benefit from this kind of transformation.

WU: What can individuals do to help improve their wellness?

DMcL: Begin by knowing the truth of who you really are, which leads you to have a better understanding of why you are here. Then, begin to align yourself so that everything you think, say, do and feel are pointing in the direction of your purpose. This leads to all kinds of life improvements that have the cumulative benefit of enhancing wellness in all areas of your life.

WU: How can employers improve wellness in the workplace?

DMcL: Recognize and acknowledge that every employee is a critical resource, not just a worker doing a job–a holistic being who brings his/her unique gifts to bear in whatever “job” is assigned. Create a work environment that supports the whole being, not just the physical.

WU: How can healthcare providers better support their clients/patients?

DMcL: It’s time for all medical providers to focus more on root-cause analysis of issues rather than dealing only with symptoms. Our current system relies heavily on highly sponsored drugs to deal with existing symptoms. This inevitably adds more complexity to existing symptoms, which often leads to new symptoms that are then dealt with using the same lopsided practice. Start addressing root-causes and looking at the whole being rather than just the physical appearance and symptomology.

WU: How can individuals, employers, and the healthcare system navigate proactive vs reactive care?

DMcL: I think root-cause analysis of the whole being is the answer.

WU: Tell us about a gaffe you made in the course of your practice, how it affected your client or business, and what you learned from it.

DMcL: My one-on-one work (and some group work) sometimes involves deep introspection that can sometimes inadvertently trigger old traumas. I’ve had one such experience that led to a deep flashback for a client. Although this was an unexpected and, frankly, unnerving experience for me, my training helped me to bring the person out of the flashback fairly quickly. The end-result was that the client found an even deeper healing than might otherwise have occurred. In retrospect, I realized that this person needed this particular healing experience, and Spirit trusted my ability to handle the situation. Nevertheless, I don’t seek to go through that kind of experience again.

WU: What is the best client outcome you provided?

DMcL: I have had many positive client experiences in my practice. I would not classify any of them as “best,” And in any event, my many client testimonials speak for themselves.

WU: Please share a quote you live by.

DMcL:What would Love do now?” Neale Donald Walsch

Connect with David on The Wellness Universe.

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