WU Featured Author: Desiree Holmes Scherini – Journey to Joy – The Written Path

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The Wellness Universe features Desiree Holmes Scherini, Board Certified Master Hypnotherapist, Life Coach, and Intuitive. As a member of The Wellness Universe, and Best-Selling Author of the book, Journey to Joy – The Written Path.

We want to share a bit about her work in the world: Desiree works with clients and groups to facilitate ease and joy in their lives. She draws from an extensive array of certifications and years of experience, as well as her own intuitive skills and personal journey, to help others achieve a higher state of happiness in their lives.

Bopk: Journey to Joy - The Written Path

We asked Desiree to share her journey in writing her book. Shining a light and the inside scoop on their inspiration, process, reader reflections, and more.

WU: What influenced you to write your book “Journey to Joy – The Written Path”?

DESIREE: When I faced the erosion of a long marriage, I was devastated, I felt lost and confused and uncertain of what to do. I was inundated by the opinions and conflicting advice from family and friends. During that time, I took up journaling. Through that, I arrived at personal insights and answers that helped me move forward in self-trust. After suffering through my own experience, and finding answers through writing, I decided to write my book to help others do the same, and shorten their path to personal happiness.

WU: Tell us a bit about your journey. How long did it take you to write? How did writing your book change your life?

DESIREE: It’s appropriate that the question is “Tell us a bit about your journey.” As that is exactly what it was, and what I share in my book. My book is a hybrid of my own journal entries and my guidance for others. The core of the book was written as my own journal entries over about a year, but primarily one month of writing daily. At the time I was journaling I had no thought of creating a book. Once I began to follow my own intuition and found myself settled and happy, I decided to share what I learned in a book.  I arranged my writings to reflect the journey. Each of the Chapters is a part of the journey, from “Setting Out on the Journey” to “The New You, The New View”. My own writings provide words and thoughts to reflect on, while questions, at the end of each chapter, provided as writing prompts for the reader offers a vehicle for their own personal intuition and insight to come forward. Writing the book was a bit of the journey extended, as sharing it was another step in claiming my personal power and freedom.

WU: What are your readers sharing? How has your book inspired and impacted lives?

DESIREE: I have such gratitude that my readers have responded with appreciation. The reason I wrote the book was to help people break free from fear, find their own answers, and trust their intuition. Many have expressed a new way of seeing things, and it has opened up their view on possibilities in their lives. A few comments that reflect this are:

“…her words guide you through the stumbling blocks and walls in your own mind, guiding you to detach from them and get in touch with yourself..”

“..exhilarating to detach, move on and find joy in life..”, “I was surprised how quickly this book grabbed my attention and then wouldn’t let go. Really well written, thought-provoking, and sure to inspire. Check it out, you’ll be glad that you did!”

Thomas Mulryne

“This book brought me joy! It is honest and insightful, and the ideas flow right off the page and into your heart. I highly recommend it.” Ajamu Ayinde

WU: What do you aspire to achieve through your book?

DESIREE: I aspire to help the reader learn to listen to their heart, trust their intuition and claim personal power over their lives. I hope to help them have their “Journey to Joy” be a more direct path than mine was before I found my answers through journaling and trusting myself! I wish that I had this book to read and use when I was lost, confused, and doubted myself!

WU: Any final words you would like to share?

DESIREE: A quote from the last chapter of my book “Unlike the movies, a true Journey has no ending. It has resting points along the way and the occasional retreat. Ideally, however, the Journey becomes a destination in itself, appreciated for the many opportunities to stop and see a new view, before moving on.” Find joy in the journey and choose your own path! I’m also pleased that I was able to use my own artwork on the cover! The image holds significance, as it was a plein air (outdoors from life) painting I did during my time of difficulty. That day was a beautiful respite that reminded me that there is beauty, peace, and creativity available to us all. When I look at it, and the gleaming path leading forward, I understand why that view called to me.

Connect with Desiree on The Wellness Universe.

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