Upleveling Wellness Featuring Nancy Stevens

In our everchanging world, it seems as though the pace of life is moving increasingly faster, working itself into a whirlwind. The need for self-care, mental health, and prevention is quickly becoming a necessity for survival. We all want to live healthier, more peaceful lives but where do we go for help? And if you don’t have the extra cash, what can you do to help yourself?

Upleveling Wellness, a Wellness Universe exclusive series, is here to guide you. Glean from our experts’ wisdom and walk the path to a healthier, happier you.

Today, we introduce you to Nancy Stevens.

The Wellness Universe (WU): What do you do?

Nancy Stevens (NS): I enjoy working in what I term – : Healthy Lifestyle profession as an emotional wellbeing and mindfulness coach, and as a yoga and Pilates teacher with emphasis on breathwork.

WU: Why did you choose to devote your career to this?

NS: What I do as a professional embodies my life purpose to inspire, support, encourage, and provide knowledge to help others on their life journey. My work is very meaningful and satisfying on many levels.

WU: How does your work help individuals?

NS: My clients our empowered to take full ownership for what it is they have named they want and need so they can acquire and achieve this for themselves with joy and ease.

WU: How can your work improve wellness in the workplace?

NS: My work helps improve workplace wellness by providing employees with skills, tools, strategies to use personally to reduce work stress, manage emotions, and communicate more clearly.

WU: What can individuals do to help improve their wellness?

NS: Spend ten-twenty minutes a day listening to heart wisdom. Sit quietly, walk mindfully or dance joyfully while focusing inward. Imagine breathing through a nose at the center of the chest to bring awareness from head to heart. Listen with the ears of the heart for higher wisdom expressing as a still, quiet voice within.

WU: How can employers improve wellness in the workplace?

NS: Employers who prioritize employee physical, emotional and spiritual health, and have a program in place that provides this to their employees will see a direct correlation to satisfaction, creativity, productivity and authentic cooperation and communication.

WU: How can healthcare providers better support their clients/patients?

NS: Healthcare providers can better support their clients by seeing them as individuals with wants, needs, and life desires no different than their own wants, needs, and life desires and by holding their clients as equals versus someone to give care to.

WU: How can individuals, employers, and the healthcare system navigate proactive vs reactive care?

NS: Navigating healthcare that is proactive and involves having a well thought plan in place to provide excellent care in the present and future. Reactive care steps in after the fact as an afterthought with a loosely designed plan hoping for the best.

WU: Tell us about a gaffe you made in the course of your practice, how it affected your client or business, and what you learned from it.

NS: When I initially began my coaching practice I was so excited to provide helpful coaching, that I spent time advising and telling my clients what I thought best for them, versus deeply listening to what was said then asking deeper questions meant to empower them to come up with what they felt and observed in the moment. I had a couple of clients in my early days cancel and not show up for additional sessions. Learning journey for sure!

WU: What is the best client outcome you provided?

NS: One of my clients who gave me her dream list of all that she desired to have and be at the start of our coaching sessions; successfully completed everything. One of her desires was to grow her self-confidence muscle. She did this and then some! She received a job promotion, built a healthy food and exercise routine, and began a relationship with her now husband!

WU: Please share a quote you live by.

NS: “Your best day is thoughtfully created by your inner voice speaking on your behalf. Show up and shine!” – Nancy Stevens

Connect with Nancy on The Wellness Universe.

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