
Unlocking Emotional Intelligence in Men

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is a critical skill that plays a significant role in personal and professional success. Despite its importance, traditional views on masculinity often hinder men from developing and utilizing their emotional intelligence. In this blog post, we will explore the traditional views on masculinity and their impact on emotional intelligence, the benefits of

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3 Jazz Living Skills

When the unexpected happens, get fully present in your body to get creative. Respond with an improvisational approach to life and equip yourself to navigate change. Three skills of improvisational jazz living can help us be more agile, flexible, and creative during times of uncertainty: Pivoting, Curiosity, Both/And. Pivoting Jazz musicians have skillfully practiced and

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Addressing the Stigma Around Men’s Mental Health

In recent years, the conversation surrounding mental health has gained significant traction, yet a notable gap persists when it comes to men’s mental health. This gap is largely driven by traditional gender norms that perpetuate stigma, creating barriers that prevent men from seeking the help they need. In this blog post, we will explore the

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The Importance of Male Bonding in Fostering Emotional Literacy and Emotional Intelligence

Historically, traditional gender roles have imposed a significant emotional toll on men. Our culture has favored the archetype of the “strong, silent type,” but this preference has inadvertently created barriers to emotional expression and vulnerability for men. In many quarters today, boys are still socialized to suppress emotions like sadness and fear, which are treated

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Encouraging Women’s Mental Health in the Workplace

Women encounter multifaceted challenges in the workplace, including balancing professional responsibilities with personal obligations, navigating gender biases, and striving for career advancement while contending with societal expectations. These factors can significantly affect their mental well-being. Research indicates that women are more susceptible to certain mental health conditions, such as depression and generalized anxiety, compared to

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Jazz Living – How to Strengthen Your Internal Structure

Improvising with Structure “We’re all a little lost and it’s alright,” sang the singer songwriter, Nightebird, Jane Marczewski, in response to her health challenge. We can feel lost when health fails, relationships end, or long-held beliefs appear untrue. Sometimes structure serves us. Structure provides comfort and predictability during times of uncertainty and change. What happens

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